Flu Vaccine: Record in the Vaccination Campaign – Diario de Alicante

The Department of Health has administered a total of 189,417 doses of flu vaccine in the first week of vaccinationwhich is 25% more than in the previous campaign, when there were about 140,000.

This was highlighted this Monday by the Minister of Health, Marciano Gomez, who stressed that he is “very proud” of these figures when asked about an assessment of the first days of the campaign, which began last Monday in a staggered manner for the irrigation groups. Later, starting November 3, it will be extended to the general population.

Specifically, in these five days 189,417 have been declared vaccinated, of them, 29,877 in people from 0 to 14 years old (15.77%), 124,220 in people 65 years old and over (65.58%) – of the total and 35,320 in people from 15 to 64 years old (18.65%). “What we want is for this vaccination campaign to be a success, because what we want is to prevent, because the best way to avoid peaks in care is with prevention, with vaccines,” he stressed.

In addition, he highlighted that to date, some 16,000 schoolchildren in the Valencian Community have been immunized in their educational centers thanks to the movement of Primary Care teams and the collaboration of the Ministry of Education and nearly 14,000 children immunized from the respiratory syncytial virus. (VRS).

In this sense, he recalled that when he joined the Ministry of Health in the first board of directors, the general director of Public Health “proposed the purchase of RSV immunization for children, because the Botànic team had said no.” and thanks to an extra budget allocation of 9 million euros “it was achieved that 80% of children did not have to go to the emergency room doors.” “Prevent, prevent and prevent,” he stressed.


On the other hand, regarding the use of masks, he has insisted that the Valencian Community will “always” adopt its regularization with “a technical, not a political, criterion.” «The Valencian Community did it last year and is going to do it this year, in this we are immovable«he stressed.

In that sense, he has pointed out that the Community has “some excellent preventive medicine and public health professionals” who will be the ones who, with “technical criteria, with rigor and with evidence-based criteria, will say” how the mask should be implemented.

Gómez has pointed out in this regard that an agreement by all the autonomous communities would be “desirable”, but has insisted that in the Valencian Community “the mask will be imposed based on technical criteria of preventive medicine professionals.” In this way, there may be the case in which its use is decreed in some center and not in another based on their epidemiological situation. «

Vaccination Campaign Sets Records: The Health Minister’s Moment of Glory

So, in the first week of the vaccination campaign, 189,417 doses of the flu vaccine have been administered. That’s a whopping 25% more than last year’s figures. Bravo! My goodness, it sounds like the only thing flying off the shelves faster than this vaccine is a pair of Jimmy Carr tickets!

Health Minister Marciano Gomez took center stage this Monday, embracing the numbers like a proud parent at a school play. He really is “very proud” of these figures! One might wonder if his head’s grown a little just thinking about all those needles.

The campaign kicked off last Monday, started with a staggered approach for the “irrigation groups.” Sounds fancy, doesn’t it? But let’s be honest, how cute is that? “Irrigation groups!” It conjures images of grown adults with watering cans, trying to hydrate the population while combating flu viruses like they’re gardening. But don’t worry, starting November 3, the general population will get their turn – it’s like the public ‘access all areas’ pass to a concert, only this one features needle drops!

Breaking down the stats, we see that in just FIVE days, 29,877 of those vaccinated were kids aged 0 to 14 (15.77%), while 124,220 were the senior superheroes of 65 and up, accounting for 65.58% of the total. The remaining 35,320 were in that awkward teenage-thru-adult limbo of 15 to 64 years (18.65%). It’s like we’re playing a game of ‘guess who needs the jab the most’ – except the answer is everyone!

Now, while the Minister is trumpeting the vaccination success, let’s not forget the importance of prevention. “Because what we want is to prevent,” he said. Hear, hear! Can I just say that sounds a tad poetic, but in reality, I think we’re just trying to keep the flu away from our loved ones – and maybe even our own sanity. He stressed, “the best way to avoid peaks in care is with prevention.” Now there’s a phrase that sounds like it came straight out of a health and safety manual!

Children and Masks: A Public Health Ballet

In addition to all this vaccine merriment, about 16,000 schoolchildren in the Valencian Community have been immunized in educational centers. Who knew that primary care teams and teachers would make the perfect duo? It’s like Batman and Robin, but for public health! And let’s not forget the nearly 14,000 children immunized for the “respiratory syncytial virus” (RSV) – which sounds like something out of a sci-fi flick, but I assure you, it’s very real!

It’s fascinating to hear Gomez reminisce about when he first joined the Ministry. Apparently, RSV immunization was a hot topic and he had to wade through the treacherous waters of budget allocations. He secured an extra budget of 9 million euros; his mission was clear – to make sure 80% of children avoided emergency room doors. Talk about a superhero budget move! “Prevent, prevent and prevent,” he reiterated like a mantra. Reminds me of how my mother would repeat “Eat your veggies!” for decades. We get it, but can we maybe have a biscuit now and then?

The Mask Mandate: Technical Whims and Wonder

Now, onto masks! The minister insists that the Valencian Community will adopt mask regulations with “a technical, not a political criterion.” It’s refreshing to see a government official sticking to science instead of political theatrics. Makes you wonder if he’s got a hidden superhero identity through all these mask mandates! He added that they’d only decide based on “technical criteria, rigor, and evidence-based standards.” One can only imagine the staff meetings – they must involve a lot of serious nodding and occasional nerdy chuckling.

Gómez also believes it would be “desirable” for all autonomous communities to agree on mask guidelines. But alas, much like trying to get everyone to agree on what toppings belong on a pizza, it seems a far-off dream. Don’t even get me started on pineapple lovers. As a final touch, he mentioned that mask mandates might vary based on a center’s epidemiological situation. So, yes folks, we might just need them in one place and not in another! It’s like playing a geographical game of ‘where’s Wally’ but with masks!

In conclusion, while the vaccination numbers sound fantastic – let’s remember, folks, prevention is the name of the game, and it looks like the Valencian Community is giving it their best shot. Literally.



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