Florida’s fight against an environmental disaster | Current America | DW

Because of the leaking sewage basin in the US state of Florida, the National Guard and other emergency services have been working to avert an environmental disaster. The evacuation of more than 300 homes near the sewage basin of a disused phosphate mine and fertilizer plant has been ordered. Manatee County responders are “trying to avert a true catastrophic flood situation and respond if necessary,” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said.

Rescue workers and the National Guard pumped 125 million liters of sewage out of the basin at Piney Point every day, DeSantis explained at a press conference. The basin is eight meters deep and contains several million liters of contaminated water. There is a leak in the plastic liner of the sewage basin that continues to widen. Attempts to plug the leak have so far failed. Before his press conference, DeSantis got a picture of the situation on a helicopter flight. The day before he had already declared a state of emergency for the area in order to release crisis funds.

This is where the evacuation zone begins

Concern for the environment and tourism

The waste water is mainly contaminated with phosphorus and nitrogen. Environmentalists warn the leaching of the nutrient-rich water into the sea might result in a dangerous bloom of algae that suffocates marine life. Effects on tourism are also feared.

In the event of a flood, wastewater might also run into reservoirs used to store phosphogypsum, a by-product of fertilizer production. Phosphorus gypsum is considered radioactive because of its radon isotope content. It also contains toxic metals such as arsenic, lead and mercury.

DeSantis said HRK Holdings, the company that operates the decommissioned facility, must be held accountable. “This is unacceptable and it is not something we will allow to continue,” the governor said. HRK initially did not comment on the matter when asked.

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