Florida Universitaria Graduation Ceremony Honors Master of Strategic Management in Organizational Well-being with Teresa Viejo as Godmother

2023-07-09 11:25:15

Florida Universitaria hosted the Graduation Ceremony of the Master of Strategic Management in Organizational Well-being (DEBO), which this year has had as godmother to the teacher, writer and “teacher of curiosity”, Teresa Viejowhich was accompanied by the director of the master’s degree, expert in Well-being and Well-being, professor and researcher, Carmen Soler.

Teresa Viejo congratulated the graduates and in her speech highlighted the need to open the doors to knowledge, continuous learning. have a high curious behavior is the ability to seek information, to be proactiveto face situations that we do not understand from the seeking understanding, rather than judgment.

“We have never needed more curiosity and it has never been less present as a social culture, because although it is the ingredient of human progress, a strength translated into a desire to learn, to explore and discover, the driving force of new possibilities, the substrate of Scientific and technological advances, of business entrepreneurship, also endorse us to contrast any of those ideas, theories or arguments with which we feel bombarded on a daily basis. We need curiosity to strengthen well-formed criteria. Only a well-trained curiosity assures us the confidence to hold intelligent ideas. Only a lively curiosity shapes mature and critical societies in which one never stops learning. Because we are beings in perennial construction”, highlighted the teacher.

An event, in which the students shared inspiring testimonials about their experience throughout their training, and in which they demonstrated the opportunity that is now offered to them to be able to apply everything they have learned to promote well-being in work environments.

He Master of Strategic Management in Organizational Well-being aims to provide the knowledge and tools necessary to promote initiatives in organizations that they put the focus on people to guarantee safe, healthy and happy environmentsthus contributing to promote occupational health.

He The program has specialized training, with top-level teachers in each of the areas, achieving complete support in the acquisition of new skills, knowledge, techniques, and tools.through the application of methodologies derived from the science and applied research such as positive psychologywith the aim of promoting the quality of life and well-being of workers in the work environment.

During the graduation ceremony, the students shared their personal and professional journeyas well as his passion, commitment and positive impact of those who will be the new leaders of the organizational strategic change of the future. Los The testimonials of the graduates reflected how well-being and health are fundamental aspects for the success and sustainability of organizations.

So, the student Martha Germán stressed “The path to transcend can have several paths, transcend through people, whom you touch with an action that leads them to find the meaning of their existence and thereby achieve a look of happiness and satisfaction, that has meant the Master’s Degree to me. Strategic Management of Organizational Well-being. Thank you for the teachings and for allowing me to be a Trojan that expands that knowledge.”.

Jacqueline Herrera, wanted to show her testimony about what this master’s degree has represented for her “Very happy to have completed the Master in Strategic Management of Organizational Well-being, with an excellent teaching team, who gave me the necessary tools to start a journey, where the health and well-being of people are part of our organizational strategy, and have an impact. in a positive way the quality of life of those of us who work at EFE Trenes de Chile. The invitation is to dare to co-build, investigate and agree with the organization’s key stakeholders, the journey that we all want to make, which is to be more sustainable companies, placing the well-being of people at the center of our management, taking care of the physical, mental, and social health, promoting more diverse and inclusive work spaces, with close and adaptive leadership, that positively impact people’s quality of life”.

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The master aims prepare students for current challenges, acquiring key skills, increasingly in demand, such as the design and implementation of wellness programs, management of work stress, promotion of healthy styles, improvement of employee satisfaction and commitment and the creation of an identity and culture of positive organizations”.

The success of the training lies in the multidisciplinary approachin it applied scientific rigorin the quality of recognized national and international teaching expertsin it eminently practical and innovative character of the learning system, in networking and the opportunity to belong and feel part of a community, that of the master DEBOwhich enables interact among students, share joint and enriching initiatives, foster synergies among all professionals in the desire to achieve a common goal: the path to progress in the field of labor welfare.

Carmen Soler, director of the DEBO master’s degree, has pointed out that “We are proud to have contributed to the training of highly trained and committed professionals with the welfare of organizations. This graduation ceremony represents the beginning of a new chapter for our students, whom I congratulate for their constant learning, dedication, effort and outstanding achievementswhich will help them to become important agents of change, which will change the paradigm of organizationsmanaging to guarantee the promotion of well-being in organizations and in society in general”.

More information: Master’s degree in strategic management in organizational well-being – rhsaludable

#Florida #Universitaria #celebrates #Graduation #Ceremony #Master #Strategic #Management #Organizational #Wellbeing

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