Florida Family’s Taco Bell Dinner Stolen by Bear: Caught on Camera!

2023-11-12 14:00:31

A Florida family had their dinner ruined by a bear who stole the Taco Bell order left in front of their door in early November.

• Read also: ON VIDEO | Bear family caught in minivan

The grizzly bear’s teasing gesture was captured by a surveillance camera, shortly after the Uber Eats employee left the meal on the ground.

The family, in an interview with “Inside Edition”, claims that the order cost them 45 US dollars (62 Canadian dollars).

The bear helped himself twice rather than once, moving to get the soft drink.

“It was really crazy!” the woman exclaimed, adding that she was used to seeing bears roaming her residential neighborhood in Orlando.

She claims to have been reimbursed by Uber Eats for the stolen food.

According to the US wildlife conservation management agency, the majority of human-bear interactions are caused by improper food storage.

#crazy #bear #grabs #Taco #Bell #order

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