“Florida Deputy Charged with Negligence After Burning Man with Taser: Shocking Gas Station Incident”

2023-05-26 22:06:41

A sheriff’s deputy in the state of Florida, United States, has been criminally charged following using his taser on a man filling up at a gas station. The taser’s electricity generated a fireball that burned nearly three-quarters of the victim’s body.

The incident was filmed at a gas station in Wawa in Orange County on Feb. 27, 2022, the Orlando Sentinel reported.

The officers, following having received a report that motorcyclists were riding in a dangerous manner, intercepted the victim Jean Barretto Baerga and put him on the ground.

Sheriff Marcos López told American media Fox 35 that the suspect had crossed intersections at red lights, moving in the opposite direction of traffic.

The defense attorney said that ” [les policiers] are supposed to protect us, not set us on fire”.

Osceola County Deputy David Crawford was charged Thursday with negligence.

#Florida #cop #burns #man #taser

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