Florida: brutal video of a 10-year-old girl being harassed – El Nacional

A Home Depot store was the scene of an intimidating incident Photo: X @fox_sheldon

Already in itself Cases of abuse or harassment generate a totally firm repudiation by the entire society in the United States towards the criminal who is committing that crime, and that is aggravated even more if the victim in question is a minor, as it happened in a public place in Florida.

A 60-year-old man named Kevin Scott Hurley He harassed a 10-year-old girl and her mother at a Home Depot hardware store in Miami and was captured by the security cameras of the place. In the video you can see how the suspect tries to establish contact with the minor and talk to her, making her feel uncomfortable.

According to New York Postapparently the man stalled in the returns line for stand near the girl and say to her: “MI love your Mickey ears and I think you are too big to be in that shopping cart”. This caused the girl to then remove her ears.

“I think you are so beautiful,” he would have told her on a second occasion.according to what the girl’s mother told the police. Upon noticing the situation, the woman immediately asked to be accompanied to her vehicle in the parking lot of the establishment, for fear that the stalker would follow them.

In fact, once outside, Scott waited in his car until the woman and girl left the store.staring at them and causing concern in the mother, who managed to take a picture of the license plate of the vehicle Hurley was using.

Everything did not go to worse thanks to the fact that A good Samaritan who was there intervened in the parking lot warning the mother’s fear and bullying Hurley into leaving from the place and stop harassing the girl.

The criminal past of the stalker of a 10-year-old girl in Florida

At the time of attempting to harass the 10-year-old girl at Home Depot, Harley was wearing an electronic ankle bracelet because He was on parole for a previous conviction also for child abuse.. Now, according to information from New York Postthe police were able to locate Harley thanks to the photo that the mother took of the license plate of his vehicle and He was arrested again and remains at the Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center. on charges of aggravated harassment of a minor.

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