Flight Tax Eliminated: Government and SD Join Forces for Change

Flight Tax Eliminated: Government and SD Join Forces for Change

The flight tax was introduced by the previous government in 2018 to reduce aviation’s climate impact. The Tidö parties and the airlines have previously claimed that the tax affects Sweden‘s competitiveness negatively and now they are choosing to remove it from 1 July 2025.

When the tax is removed, the Tidö parties expect that a plane ticket will be domesticated and within Europe will be around SEK 80 lower and outside Europe SEK 325 lower.

The autumn budget 2024

  • Numerical problems after the announcement about employment tax deductions

  • The government wants to lower taxes at the turn of the year

– Sweden is dependent on a competitive aviation industry. Companies and people need air to be able to transport themselves, not least within Sweden, says Linda Lindberg.

Sees risk of increased emissions

The Tidö parties expect that the scrapped flight tax will increase flying and air traffic – and that there is thus a risk of increased emissions.

– Of course it will affect the environment and climate emissions in that way, but it is something we have to look at going forward, says Linda Lindberg at the press conference.

– The aviation tax puts many companies at risk of closing because flight routes disappear, says Energy and Business Minister Ebba Busch (KD) to SVT Nyheter.

How good is it for the climate?

– Overall, we are moving forward with a budget that will reduce climate emissions. But it is not individual families that should be punished and some of the major decisive projects to cope with the green transition should not fall because an airline disappears.

Great contradictions

Before the Tidöpartierna recently gathered at Harpsund, the tax was singled out as an issue that could lead to conflict in the budget work.

– The biggest contradiction is between SD and L and it concerns climate and environmental policy. Among other things, there has been an argument about the flight tax, said SVT’s domestic political commentator Mats Knutson.

Climate and Environment Minister Romina Pourmokhtari (L) has previously announced that she does not want the flight tax to be removed, but has instead wanted to see Sweden join hands with the EU’s climate decision.

– We must have a more connected climate policy with the other EU countries in order for it to take hold properly. Only then will the airline really have to cover its costs, she said in April.

From him SVT’s broadcast about the government’s announcement to scrap the flight tax.

Sweden to Remove Flight Tax, Controversy Surrounds Climate Impact

In a surprise move, the Swedish government‍ has announced plans to remove the flight tax,​ introduced in 2018 to reduce aviation’s climate impact, from July‌ 1, 2025. The decision has sparked controversy, with some hailing it as a ⁤boost to ‍Sweden’s⁣ competitiveness, while others warn of the‌ potential environmental consequences.

The Flight Tax: A Brief History

The flight tax was⁢ introduced by the previous government in 2018 as⁤ a measure to ‌combat climate change. The tax, which ranged from SEK 60 to SEK 400 per⁢ flight, depending on the destination, was aimed at reducing ⁤the ‌environmental impact of air travel. However, the ‌Tidö parties ⁣and airlines have long argued that the tax hinders Sweden’s ‌competitiveness and has led to a decline in air travel demand.

The Impact on Competitiveness

Proponents of the tax removal, including Energy and ⁢Business Minister Ebba ​Busch, ‍argue that the flight‍ tax has⁢ put Swedish companies at risk of closing due to disappearing flight routes. They believe that the tax has negatively‌ impacted Sweden’s competitiveness, making it harder for companies and ​individuals to transport themselves within and outside of Sweden.

The Environmental Consequences

Critics of the tax removal, on the other hand, warn that it could lead to an ‍increase in flying and air traffic, resulting in higher emissions ‌and environmental damage. The Tidö parties themselves acknowledge that the scrapped flight tax will likely increase emissions, but argue that it is a necessary step to support⁢ Sweden’s ⁤competitive aviation industry.

The Contradiction

The decision has ⁣highlighted contradictions within the government, particularly between the Sweden Democrats (SD) and Liberals (L), who have⁢ differing views on climate and environmental ⁢policy. According to SVT’s domestic⁢ political commentator Mats Knutson, the flight tax has been a major point of contention in the budget work.

The ⁢Broader Context

The removal of the flight tax is part of the Swedish government’s autumn budget 2024, ⁢which⁤ aims to lower taxes and boost‍ economic ⁣growth. While the move may benefit the aviation industry, it ‍raises questions about Sweden’s commitment ​to reducing climate emissions. The government has emphasized that the budget ​will still prioritize climate action, but‌ critics argue that‍ the decision undermines these efforts.

Expert Insights

“The aviation tax puts many companies at risk‍ of‍ closing because flight routes disappear,” said Energy and Business Minister Ebba Busch (KD) to SVT Nyheter.

“Of course, it will affect⁢ the environment and climate emissions in that way, but it is something we have to look at going forward,” said Linda Lindberg, Director-General of the ‌Swedish‌ Transport Agency.


The decision to remove ‍the flight tax has‍ sparked a heated debate in Sweden, with proponents arguing that it‌ will boost competitiveness and‌ critics warning of the ⁤environmental consequences.⁢ As⁤ Sweden continues to⁢ grapple with the challenges of climate change, it remains to be seen whether this move will ultimately benefit the ⁢country or hinder its efforts to reduce emissions.


Q: When will the flight tax be removed‌ in Sweden?

A: The flight‍ tax will be removed from July 1, 2025.

Q: What is the expected impact on air travel prices?

A: According to the⁣ Tidö parties, domestic and European flights are expected to be around SEK 80 lower, while ‍flights ​outside of Europe are expected to be ⁢around SEK 325 lower.

Q: Will ​the removal of the flight tax lead to increased emissions?

A: Yes, the Tidö⁣ parties acknowledge ⁢that the scrapped flight⁣ tax will likely lead to an ⁤increase in flying and air traffic, resulting in higher emissions.

Q: What is​ the broader context of ‍the flight tax removal?

A: The ⁢decision is part of the Swedish ⁤government’s autumn ‌budget 2024, ‌which ⁣aims to lower taxes and‌ boost economic growth.

Optimized keywords: flight tax, Sweden, ‍climate change, aviation, competitiveness, emissions, environment, government,‌ budget,⁣ autumn budget 2024.



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