Flight Simulator 2024 promises to fulfill GTA fans’ ultimate fantasy

Imagine exploring the entire Earth on foot in stunning photorealistic environments. This is the astonishing promise of Flight Simulator 2024, which leverages AI and cloud technology to deliver this experience.


Among the releases I’m most surprised to be anticipating this year is Flight Simulator 2024. I have no experience with flight simulators, including Asobo’s 2020 edition published by Microsoft. Yet, what has been showcased since the start of the year might convince me to finally give it a try, even as I worry about the investment that this entails.

The promises made about the game are incredibly ambitious, both technologically and in terms of gameplay. We previously discussed in June the developments in the game’s graphics engine and world simulation that are designed to provide an even more realistic rendering of Earth.

The ambition feels even more excessive than anticipated when we learn that exploration will now involve not just flying but also walking—anywhere on Earth.

A “digital twin” to explore at will

We knew that Flight Simulator was set to introduce a variety of new missions, offering players more diverse objectives than just following a single route. Early announcements from Asobo and Microsoft hinted at players being able to exit the aircraft for specific missions, as well as prior to boarding.

However, it was not clear that this would be possible anywhere on the game map, which represents the entire world. Microsoft’s Flight Simulator director, Jorg Neumann, clarified to the media PCGamer that the world will serve as the player’s playground, including on foot:

“Now you can get off the plane and walk around. You can literally hike your favorite mountain trail to your favorite mountain retreat. Sit by a lake. Watch the sunset. It’s truly a digital twin that you can immerse yourself in.”

Imagine being able to roam anywhere in the world. This has long been a dream for many gamers, especially those who have experienced real-world open-world games like GTA. In Flight Simulator 2024, the landscapes are fully modeled in 3D, marking a significant evolution from the flat textures of some locations that were previously inaccessible.


We see all the trees on Earth,” Neumann explains, noting that a machine-learning algorithm identifies tree species in different regions before modeling them. The environment will adapt based on bugs and user feedback to maintain realism. Natural landscapes will also feature wildlife, with around one hundred species added to the game to enhance the liveliness of these environments.

Of course, it remains to be seen how much emphasis the graphics rendering will place on achieving photorealism. Can we expect volumetric fog, ray tracing, very high-resolution textures, and dynamic flora across the globe? The same questions apply to urban environments, which are also expected to benefit from modeling advancements in this version. Will they be accessible on foot? What level of detail can we anticipate?

A dream made possible by the cloud

Similar to Flight Simulator 2020, the Earth modeling in this 2024 version relies heavily on cloud technology and AI, particularly Microsoft’s Azure technology and data from Bing Maps.

Source: Asobo Studio / Microsoft

While the developers at Asobo will refine the environments manually (including landmarks, airports, nature parks, boats, etc.), this data will consume much less space on the user’s PC or Xbox. The installation for the 2020 version can take up to 500 GB after all updates (and even 2 TB with community-created add-ons). Microsoft has significantly reduced the game’s size, thanks to the cloud:

“We’ve moved to a thin client architecture, and we’re not finished yet. We’re launching the game in November, but we believe it’ll be… I would say 50GB or less, but with plenty of additional data because we’re offloading more assets to the cloud.”

The game will increasingly depend on the cloud this year to prevent the game’s size from becoming unmanageable. Does this imply that Flight Simulator 2024 will offer a diminished offline experience? Will players be able to download this data to their machines if they have the available storage space?

More details will emerge in the months leading up to the game’s release on November 19. However, this might be the price for realizing such an ambitious vision as accurately modeling the entire Earth in real-time with high fidelity.

<div class="chapo has-text-weight-semibold mb-5">
<p>Exploring the entire Earth on foot in photorealistic environments? That's the mind-boggling promise of Flight Simulator 2024, which relies partly on AI and the cloud to deliver.</p>

<a target="_blank" href="https://images.frandroid.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/microsoft-flight-simulator-2024-june24-trailerscreenshots-07-resized.jpeg" rel="noopener" class="article-content__figure">
<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1200" height="675" src="https://images.frandroid.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/microsoft-flight-simulator-2024-june24-trailerscreenshots-07-resized-1200x675.jpeg" alt="Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024" class="wp-image-2300090 wp-image" srcset="https://images.frandroid.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/microsoft-flight-simulator-2024-june24-trailerscreenshots-07-resized-1200x675.jpeg 1200w, https://images.frandroid.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/microsoft-flight-simulator-2024-june24-trailerscreenshots-07-resized-768x432.jpeg 768w, https://images.frandroid.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/microsoft-flight-simulator-2024-june24-trailerscreenshots-07-resized-928x522.jpeg 928w, https://images.frandroid.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/microsoft-flight-simulator-2024-june24-trailerscreenshots-07-resized-300x169.jpeg 300w" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px"/>

<p>If there's one release I'm surprised to be waiting for this year, it's Flight Simulator 2024. I have no experience with flight simulators, including <a target="_blank" href="https://www.frandroid.com/marques/microsoft/744433_pourquoi-flight-simulator-est-une-ode-technologique-au-futur-du-jeu-video">Asobo's 2020 game edition</a> published by Microsoft. And yet, what has been shown since the beginning of the year could well make me take the plunge, before inevitably becoming disillusioned by the investment required.</p>

<p>The promises are extremely ambitious both technically and in terms of the gameplay of the game. We spoke to you in June <a target="_blank" href="https://www.frandroid.com/produits-android/console/2057054_comment-flight-simulator-2024-compte-repousser-les-limites-du-photorealisme">developments of the game's graphics engine as well as world simulation</a> which should offer an even more realistic graphic rendering of the Earth.</p>

<p>The ambition seems even more excessive than expected when we learn that exploration will no longer only be done at altitude, but also on foot. Anywhere on Earth.</p>

<h2 class="wp-block-heading">A “Digital Twin” to Explore as You Wish</h2>

<p>We knew that Flight Simulator was going to feature a series of new missions to give players more varied objectives than just a simple route. Early announcements from Asobo and Microsoft discussed exiting the plane for some of these missions, as well as before boarding.</p>

<p>What we didn't know yet was that it would be possible to do this absolutely anywhere on the game map, which models the world in its entirety. Microsoft's Flight Simulator director, Jorg Neumann, made it clear to the media <a target="_blank" href="https://www.pcgamer.com/games/sim/flight-simulator-2024s-huge-ambition-means-you-can-now-exit-the-plane-walk-around-you-can-land-on-every-ship-and-it-looks-like-a-first-person-shooter-environment/#comment-jump" rel="noopener"><em>PCGamer</em></a> that the world will be the player's playground, even on foot:</p>

<blockquote class="wp-block-quote">
<p>Now you can get off the plane and walk around. You can literally walk your favorite mountain trail to your favorite mountain retreat. Sit by the lake. Watch the sunset. It’s truly a digital twin that you can absorb.</p>

<p>What if you could wander anywhere in the world? This is literally the fantasy of many gamers, especially those who have played real-world open worlds like GTA. In Flight Simulator 2024, the landscapes are fully modeled in 3D, a major evolution compared to the flat textures of some settings that were therefore not possible to explore.</p>

<a target="_blank" href="https://images.frandroid.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/microsoft-flight-simulator-2024-screenshot-08-resized.jpeg" rel="noopener" class="article-content__figure">
<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1200" height="675" src="https://images.frandroid.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/microsoft-flight-simulator-2024-screenshot-08-resized-1200x675.jpeg" alt="Photorealistic Environment" class="wp-image-2300094 wp-image" srcset="https://images.frandroid.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/microsoft-flight-simulator-2024-screenshot-08-resized-1200x675.jpeg 1200w, https://images.frandroid.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/microsoft-flight-simulator-2024-screenshot-08-resized-768x432.jpeg 768w, https://images.frandroid.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/microsoft-flight-simulator-2024-screenshot-08-resized-928x522.jpeg 928w, https://images.frandroid.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/microsoft-flight-simulator-2024-screenshot-08-resized-300x169.jpeg 300w" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px"/>

<p>“<em>We see all the trees on Earth</em>," according to Neumann, who explains that a machine learning algorithm detects the tree species present in each area of ​​the planet before modeling them. The environment evolves based on bugs and user feedback to remain faithful to reality. The natural landscapes will also be populated with animals, with a hundred species added to make these environments more alive.</p>

<p>Of course, we'll have to wait and see how much the graphics rendering will emphasize photorealism. Can we expect volumetric fog, ray tracing, high-resolution textures, and dynamic flora across the planet? Additionally, the question arises for urban environments, which also had to benefit from modeling efforts in this version. Will they be explorable on foot? What degree of fidelity can we expect?</p>

<h2 class="wp-block-heading">A Dream Made Possible by the Cloud</h2>

<p>Similar to Flight Simulator 2020, the Earth modeling in this 2024 version is partly based on cloud technology and AI, specifically using Microsoft's Azure technology along with data from Bing Maps.</p>

<a target="_blank" href="https://images.frandroid.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/microsoft-flight-simulator-2024-june24-trailerscreenshots-02-copy-resized.jpeg" rel="noopener" class="article-content__figure">
<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1200" height="675" src="https://images.frandroid.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/microsoft-flight-simulator-2024-june24-trailerscreenshots-02-copy-resized-1200x675.jpeg" alt="Cloud Technology in Flight Simulator 2024" class="wp-image-2057380 wp-image" srcset="https://images.frandroid.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/microsoft-flight-simulator-2024-june24-trailerscreenshots-02-copy-resized-1200x675.jpeg 1200w, https://images.frandroid.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/microsoft-flight-simulator-2024-june24-trailerscreenshots-02-copy-resized-768x432.jpeg 768w, https://images.frandroid.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/microsoft-flight-simulator-2024-june24-trailerscreenshots-02-copy-resized-928x522.jpeg 928w, https://images.frandroid.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/microsoft-flight-simulator-2024-june24-trailerscreenshots-02-copy-resized-300x169.jpeg 300w" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px"/>

<p>If the developers at Asobo fine-tune the environments and reviews (such as monuments, airports, nature parks, boats, etc.) by hand, this data will occupy significantly less space on the user's PC or Xbox. The installation of the 2020 version can take up to 500 GB with all the updates (and even 2 TB with community-created add-ons). Microsoft has made serious revisions to the size of the game, and this is thanks to the cloud:</p>

<blockquote class="wp-block-quote">
<p>We've gone to a thin client architecture, and we're not done yet. We're shipping the game in November, but we think we'll be... I'd say 50GB or less, but with tons of extra data, because we're offloading more data to the cloud.</p>

<p>The game will rely even more heavily on the cloud this year to avoid inflating the game's size to unrealistic levels. Does this mean that Flight Simulator 2024 will be less of an offline experience? Will players have the option to download this data to their machines if they have the storage space available?</p>

<p>We'll know more in the months leading up to the game's release on November 19. But this may be the price to pay for a vision as ambitious as modeling the entire Earth in real time with such fidelity.</p>

<h2 class="wp-block-heading">Benefits of Cloud-Based Gaming in Flight Simulator 2024</h2>

    <li><strong>Reduced Storage Needs:</strong> By leveraging cloud technology, Microsoft ensures that gamers won't face the hefty storage requirements that previous versions demanded.</li>
    <li><strong>Real-Time Updates:</strong> Weather and environmental changes can be updated in real-time, providing a dynamic in-game experience.</li>
    <li><strong>Enhanced Learning Algorithms:</strong> AI algorithms improve the realism and diversity of landscapes, ensuring that players experience a vivid simulation.</li>

<h2 class="wp-block-heading">Practical Tips for New Players</h2>

    <li><strong>Start with the Tutorials:</strong> Familiarize yourself with the controls and gameplay mechanics through the tutorial sessions.</li>
    <li><strong>Explore at Your Own Pace:</strong> Take time to explore and enjoy the landscapes rather than rushing through missions.</li>
    <li><strong>Invest in a Quality Joystick:</strong> Enhance your gaming experience with a flight stick for better control and immersion.</li>

<h2 class="wp-block-heading">First-Hand Experience: A Look at the Demo Version</h2>

<p>Many players who were fortunate enough to experience beta versions of Flight Simulator 2024 have noted significant advancements in graphical fidelity and gameplay mechanics. Feedback highlighted the ability to freely explore stunning landscapes on foot, which adds to the immersive nature of the game.</p>

<h2 class="wp-block-heading">Case Study: Comparing Flight Simulator 2020 and Flight Simulator 2024</h2>

<table class="wp-block-table">
            <th>Flight Simulator 2020</th>
            <th>Flight Simulator 2024</th>
            <td>Exploration Mode</td>
            <td>Air Travel Only</td>
            <td>Includes On-Foot Exploration</td>
            <td>High-Quality Textures</td>
            <td>Photorealistic Environments with 3D Modeling</td>
            <td>Game Size</td>
            <td>Up to 500GB</td>
            <td>Estimated 50GB with Cloud Offloading</td>

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