Flat white – how to prepare it? It is a combination of espresso and frothed milk

To prepare a flat white, pour a double espresso with hot, but only slightly frothed milk. “Flat white” loosely translates to “flat white”, i.e. the name of the drink indicates the minimum level of milk frothing.

If we are looking for differences between flat white and other coffees with milk, such as latte or cappuccino, it should be noted that the milk is not so fluffy in this drink, although there is a lot of it.

Flat white – volume and calories

A standard portion of flat white found in popular chain cafes has a capacity of 210 ml.

This coffee has significantly fewer calories than, for example, cafe mocha. There are only 30 kcal in 100 grams of flat white drink. So you can add a sweet snack to it.

Where did flat white come from?

Flat white is a relatively “young” coffee. It was created in the Antipodes in the 1980s and 1990s. It was invented by a barista from Australia who couldn’t froth milk for his guest’s coffee because it was too thin. He finally gave up and served him coffee with only slightly frothed milk, apologizing for the “flat white”. The drink turned out to be so delicious that it permanently entered the menu of people in Australia and New Zealand, and then came to Europe.

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