FKA Twigs accuses Shia LaBeouf of manipulating the justice system to delay the…

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FKA twigs vs. Shia LaBeouf: The Legal Showdown

The singer pointed the finger at her ex-boyfriend, who allegedly pushed to postpone the start of the court case.

So, it seems FKA twigs is in a bit of a tussle with Shia LaBeouf—yes, the actor renowned for being both a talented thespian and, uh, a bit of a character off-screen. In a legal twist that even LaBeouf wouldn’t script, our dear twigs is accusing him of trying to pull a fast one and avoid his legal responsibilities regarding those rather serious accusations of sexual assault and emotional distress. It’s not exactly a romantic comedy, is it? More like a courtroom drama where everyone is playing the ‘who can duck and dive the best’ game.

The Accusations Fly

FKA twigs is claiming that Shia is “biding his time” like a cat waiting for a mouse… if the mouse had a lawyer and a restraining order. In her latest lawsuit, she accuses him of dodging her legal team like a teenager avoiding their parents after a late night. She filed her court documents recently, which I can only assume were delivered with a dramatic flair—perhaps via a carrier pigeon trained in the art of legal delivery?

According to the legal eagles she has on her side, LaBeouf seems to have perfected the art of being “incredibly evasive.” I mean, nine pages of document production? That’s less than most people write in a single text message these days! Come on, Shia, we know you’ve got something to say—unless your idea of a thorough response is just deafening silence.

Document Dilemmas

In a rather bizarre twist, LaBeouf supposedly announced that he’s “suddenly unavailable” for key evidence—which sounds suspiciously like someone claiming their dog ate their homework right before the big exam. It’s almost as if he’s playing the magician—instead of pulling rabbits out of hats, he’s pulling excuses out of thin air!

FKA twigs’ legal team has asserted they’d like a court to intervene and stop this “nonsense” from continuing. They described his behavior as “abusing the evidence discovery process.” Fancy terminology aside, it sounds like they’re saying Shia is treating this court case like it’s a game of hide-and-seek. Spoiler alert, Shia: You can’t hide behind the legal curtains forever!

Sparring Partners

And let’s talk about LaBeouf’s lawyer Shawn Holley for a moment, shall we? She insists, “This dispute is only about who should testify first, and nothing else.” Oh, really? If we’re only talking about who goes first, then why does it feel like we’re on the set of “Survivor: Legal Edition”? Surely there’s more to this saga than just a game of legal hopscotch?

The depositions have been rescheduled to October 25th—mark your calendars, folks! This date promises to be about as thrilling as watching paint dry, but I’m sure it will be filled with just as much drama and unnecessary tension as any reality show out there!

History of Turmoil

You’ll remember that LaBeouf and FKA twigs first crossed paths on the set of his film “Honey Boy.” What’s ironic is that the film was all about his troubled relationship with his father, which makes this whole saga feel like he’s perhaps trying to re-live those troubled childhood years—but this time, as the leading man in a very unwanted drama.

So, here we are: Two former lovers dragged into a court case so convoluted it could give M. Night Shyamalan a run for his money. Who knows where this twisted tale will lead? Perhaps we’ll get a reality show out of it—“Keeping Up with the Exes: Legal Edition.” It’s the spin-off nobody asked for, but hey, it might just keep the popcorn industry afloat!

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The singer pointed the finger at her ex-boyfriend, who allegedly pushed to postpone the start of the court case.

FKA twigs has accused her ex-boyfriend Shia LaBeouf to bide his time and evade his legal obligations in relation to the sexual assault case involving him. The British singer had sued the actor.

LaBeouf was accused of sexual assaultassault and infliction of emotional distress in 2020, and on October 18 the singer filed court documents accusing him of intentionally avoiding her lawyers preparing for trial.


FKA twigs’ legal team told People:“As alleged in our documents, Shia LaBeouf not only mistreated our client but continues to abuse the evidence discovery process in this case. What does he have to hide? We are asking for court intervention to stop this nonsense.”.

Close-up of Shia LaBeouf in Honey Boy

In the documents it is claimed that FKA twigs, whose real name is Tahliah Barnettprovided numerous relevant documents and substantive written responses. However, LaBeouf’s responses to requests for written evidence were ‘incredibly evasive and irrelevant, resulting in the production of just nine pages of documents’.

According to the singer’s lawyers, Shia LaBeouf has made it known that he no longer has the relevant documents or electronic devices requested. Furthermore, it is rendered suddenly unavailable before his hearing on October 11th. The actor also allegedly disregarded an agreement previously made with FKA twigs in which he would give the deposition before her.

LaBeouf’s attorney, Shawn Holley, explained:“This dispute is only about who should testify first, and nothing else. The attempt by Ms. Barnett’s lawyers to turn a very simple matter into something sinister is unfortunate.”. The deposition has been rescheduled to date October 25th.

Shia LaBeouf and FKA twigs met on the set of his film Honey Boy, and were involved in a relationship between 2018 and 2019. In December 2020, the singer accused her ex-boyfriend of physical, sexual and emotional abuse.

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