A new salvo of patches was deployed last night on Hearthstone. This concerns the Battlegrounds mode, the Arena as well as several problems present in particular in Standard. Find the details below.
The following heroes now have less Armor:
- Fungimancer Flurgl, Ace of Heist Wax Plunderer, Baz’hial the Lich, Eye the Pirate, and Varden Dawngrass are now Tier 1 (0 Armor).
- Faelin Ambassador and Sylvanas Windrunner are now Tier 2 (2-5 Armor).
The following heroes now have more Armor:
- Elise Starseeker and George the Fallen now have Tier 2 (2-5 Armor).
- Galakrond and Teron Gorefiend are now Tier 3 (3-6 Armor).
- Greybranch is now Tier 4 (4-7 Armor).
- Untamer Brann and Tess Greymane are now Tier 5 (5-8 Armor).
- Lord Jaraxxus is now Tier 6 (6-9 Armor).
- Illidan Stormrage and Sindragosa are now Tier 7 (7-10 Armor).
- Missing Return to Naxxramas cards have been added.
- Some neutral cards and a high performing mage card have had their spawn rates adjusted.
Bug fixes and improvements
- [Hearthstone] Fixed an issue where Colossal Minions were present among Transflame Finds.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed an issue where Smashing Avenger’s cost reduction might be canceled by silencing Outcast minions in play.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed an issue where Rivendare, Rider of War tokens would not check if they themselves were dead when Deathrattle triggered.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed an issue preventing multiple Haunting Nightmares from haunting the same map.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a visual issue with Shadow Spirit’s Deathrattle effect.
- [Champs de bataille] Fixed an issue where Cap’n Peak was buffed at the start of combat if the Opponent already had cards in their hand.
- [Champs de bataille] Fixed an issue where playing a spell on Hureglobe while it was in the shop made the Poison effect permanent.
- [Mercenaires] Fixed an issue where maxed mercenaries would lose the +1/+5 bonus.
- [Mercenaires] Résolution de plusieurs problèmes avec les trésors suivants : A Pirate’s Life; Cursed Blade; Pretty Deadly; Benevolent Band of the Wilds; Strengthened Shard of Woe; Fel Burst; Wyrmageddon; Siphon Souls; Golden Monkey’s Curse; Imp-oster Syndrome; Bigger Brother; et Revealed in Moonlight.
- [Mercenaires] Fixed an issue where Curse of Weakness and Heroic Leap abilities were not dealing damage.
- [Mercenaires] Fixed an issue where Heroic N’Zoth was causing crashes.
- [Duels] Fixed an issue where the Ebon Blade Greatsword treasure might grant Reincarnation multiple times to a minion.
- [Collection] Fixed an issue where players did not have a reroll offer when obtaining Horreb Diamond, Reno Jackson Diamond, and Zola the Gorgon Diamond.
- Various minor textual and visual changes.