Five ways to make your Windows 11 easier to use! Is it worth it to update the 22H2 version? How to get back the traditional right-click menu and job manager?

I don’t know if you who use Windows, have you updated your main machine to Windows 11? Xue Xue’s own main machine is Apple’s, so he doesn’t feel much about this Windows 11 update, but my colleague P, who is a good planner, has a lot of thoughts! So your new video two days ago “Everyone hates Windows 11, why? & teach you to make it better“The script was born! Today, Xue Xue will borrow flowers to present Buddha, and in this article, I will quickly teach you five ways to make Windows 11 more usable!

(Image Source:Unsplash


The official version of Windows 11 was released on 2021/10/5, and the latest version is Windows 11 22H2, which means the Windows version updated in the second half of 2022. As the successor system of Windows 10, Microsoft strongly encourages users to update to Windows 11, and recently announced that it will stop the download and sales of the Windows 10 operating system from 2023/1/31, hoping that consumers will fully switch to the Windows 11 operating system , but if you like Windows 10 very much, don’t worry too much, it will protect your computer from viruses or malware, and subsequent security updates will continue until 2025/10/14. Or, you can refer to this tutorial to let you switch to Windows 11 to compare…is it painful? XDD

Five ways to make your Windows 11 easier to use! Is it worth it to update the 22H2 version? How to get back the traditional right-click menu and job manager?

Tip 1: Move the taskbar to the left

Many people say that the most uncomfortable thing when starting up after the update is: the right-click menu is gone? Of course, I know that not only the right-click menu disappears, but the task manager is also missing when I right-click the taskbar, and even the taskbar is in the middle like a Mac! Okay, don’t be nervous, let’s put the taskbar back to the left step by step, just move the mouse to the taskbar, right click and select “Taskbar Settings”

Five ways to make your Windows 11 easier to use! Is it worth it to update the 22H2 version? How to get back the traditional right-click menu and job manager?

“Task Behavior” >> “Task Alignment” select “Left”, and the familiar “Start” and its partners are all back. Now you don’t have to worry about moving the mouse to the lower left corner and it will be empty!

Five ways to make your Windows 11 easier to use! Is it worth it to update the 22H2 version? How to get back the traditional right-click menu and job manager?

The only point to remind everyone is that this “task column behavior” only has two options: center and left, so if you are using Windows 10, you can move the entire task bar to the side, or other free movement methods , Windows 11 is currently not possible, I can only suggest not to update it, let’s wait and see (˘・_・˘)

Tip 2: Make good use of the start menu

I wonder what you think of the dynamic tiles in the Windows 10 start menu? Some people may think that it looks like an area, and it was emptied because it was an eyesore, or you chose to make good use of the classification function to live in peace with it. However, in the latest Windows 11 system, Microsoft canceled this function. Since then, Apps cannot be arranged together, but after the 22H2 update, Apps can be combined into folders, just like a mobile phone. The apps that become a combination can be stacked, and you can also name the folders, isn’t it very good?

Five ways to make your Windows 11 easier to use! Is it worth it to update the 22H2 version? How to get back the traditional right-click menu and job manager?

In addition, right-click on the blank space of “Start”, and after opening “Start Settings”, you can also choose the content to be displayed at the start, such as pinning items, or showing more suggestions for recently opened files, etc. A fully personalized setting, it is recommended to give it a try

Five ways to make your Windows 11 easier to use! Is it worth it to update the 22H2 version? How to get back the traditional right-click menu and job manager?

Tip 3: Give me back the right-click menu!

I believe this is what almost everyone cares about! What should I do if the traditional right-click menu disappears after updating Windows 11? P Jun himself: Although the updated right-click menu is simple and beautiful, but I use the computer for work, so give me useful functions! (╯° °)╯︵ ┻━┻)

Come, return to the embrace of the traditional menu, the following prescription is for you to take:

① Not updated to 22H2 version for old Windows 11

If you are using old Windows 11 and have not updated the 22H2 version, you can right-click the new version menu, click “Show other options”, and the traditional menu will appear.

Five ways to make your Windows 11 easier to use! Is it worth it to update the 22H2 version? How to get back the traditional right-click menu and job manager?

② For Windows 11 22H2 users

If you update 22H2, just hold down Shift and right-click to call out the traditional menu

Five ways to make your Windows 11 easier to use! Is it worth it to update the 22H2 version? How to get back the traditional right-click menu and job manager?

③ Directly call out the “command prompt character” to avoid two-stage operation

If you don’t like two steps to find the traditional menu, and want to directly call out the traditional menu every time you right-click, then you have to perform the following cumbersome actions first, first open “Start”, enter CMD in the search area and call out ” CMD”

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Five ways to make your Windows 11 easier to use! Is it worth it to update the 22H2 version? How to get back the traditional right-click menu and job manager?

Enter the characters in the quotation marks “reg add “HKCUSoftwareClassesCLSID86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2InprocServer32” /f /ve

Five ways to make your Windows 11 easier to use! Is it worth it to update the 22H2 version? How to get back the traditional right-click menu and job manager?

After checking that there are no errors in the characters and spaces, press Enter, and then restart the machine after the message “Operation completed successfully”, your traditional menu will come back!

Five ways to make your Windows 11 easier to use! Is it worth it to update the 22H2 version? How to get back the traditional right-click menu and job manager?

Tip 4: Update to 22H2 and get back the job administrator

If you are using the old Windows 11, you may feel that although the task column has a lot of animations, it looks rich (?). However, when I right-click, I can’t find the job administrator, and I usually intuitively drag files to the program/folder, but it doesn’t work, which directly leads to a decrease in work efficiency. Cry without tears. At this time, I want to report to all Windows 11 sufferers that the 22H2 version adds back the function of “drag files to the task bar”. You can also right-click on the task bar to find the work administrator who has been missing for a while!

Five ways to make your Windows 11 easier to use! Is it worth it to update the 22H2 version? How to get back the traditional right-click menu and job manager?

Assuming you really don’t want to update, there are still two ways to find the work administrator in the old Windows 11. One is to right click on “Start” to call out the work administrator, and the other is to use the shortcut key Ctrl+Shift+Esc Open

Tip 5: Make good use of the new features of 22H2

Then the editor is going to push those who have updated to Windows 11 but have not updated to the 22H2 version!The useful functions recommended below are only available after updating to the 22H2 version.

Easy-to-use function 1: folder tab function

Before the folder can be on the maximize button, it can automatically divide your screen into different equal parts. Now it will help you put it on the top, which is convenient for you to use directly. In addition, it has also added the same tab function as Chrome, which can be directly displayed in the It is quite convenient for me to open more windows next to it. You can directly switch to drag and drop files. It also supports the use of Chrome shortcut keys, but it does not support dragging folders to tabs to open them. Folder tab function

Five ways to make your Windows 11 easier to use! Is it worth it to update the 22H2 version? How to get back the traditional right-click menu and job manager?

Easy-to-use function 2: Bluetooth that can be quickly set

Now on the far right of the work bar in the new version of Windows 11, you can quickly set up Bluetooth, connect directly, and even switch between different devices, which is really convenient

Five ways to make your Windows 11 easier to use! Is it worth it to update the 22H2 version? How to get back the traditional right-click menu and job manager?

Useful function 3: “Installed applications”

What’s more, after right-clicking “Start”, you can see a small change in the name, and “Installed Applications” appears. Microsoft now pulls the apps that are not commonly used to the side, so that you can move them more intuitively. delete program

Five ways to make your Windows 11 easier to use! Is it worth it to update the 22H2 version? How to get back the traditional right-click menu and job manager?

Easy-to-use function four: Use the mouse wheel to adjust the volume

The last one is useless but practical. After you update, move the cursor to the speaker icon, and you can adjust the volume by rolling your scroll wheel~

Five ways to make your Windows 11 easier to use! Is it worth it to update the 22H2 version? How to get back the traditional right-click menu and job manager?


Seriously, many people wonder if Windows 11 22H2 is worth updating? We think that if you have upgraded Windows 11 before, it is really recommended to update to 22H2. In addition to restoring some functions that users want, there are some convenient small upgrades, but to be honest, 22H2 is not bad, but its Success is built on what Windows 11 dislikes.If you are still stuck on Windows 10, for personal use, Windows 11 just looks better than Windows 10, and other old problems remain the same, for example…Windows 7 console is still XD So if you don’t want to adapt to the new It doesn’t hurt to stop on Windows 10. The above is today’s sharing. If you have any experience, you can leave a message to discuss it.

Five ways to make your Windows 11 easier to use! Is it worth it to update the 22H2 version? How to get back the traditional right-click menu and job manager?

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