There are several routines that can generate excess fat in the waist; however, the most striking and well-known is sitting for a long time.
In addition, several studies have stated that abdominal fat can bring major health complications, such as diabetes, cancer, obesity and cardiovascular disease. However, one way to combat abdominal fat is by carrying out exercise routines at home.
Also, no special equipment is needed, since the portal today in beauty reveals a series of routines using a chair, be it the desk chair or any other, with the aim of achieving great benefits, such as strengthening abdominal muscles and improving digestion.
Double knee with side bends
This exercise strengthens the waist and buttocks, which is why you have to sit at the end of the chair with your back straight. Then hold the chair tightly and bend your body to one side. Use your abdominal muscles and lift your knees up to your stomach. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement 20 times on each side.
double knee raise
Put your legs together and with both hands hold the sides of the chair. Keeping your back straight, lift your knees up and draw them toward your chest.. Then, without touching the floor, lower your feet and repeat 20 times.
Knee pull-ins
The aforementioned portal explains that people should sit in a chair and keep their backs straight. Begin to pull up from one knee and perform lower abdominals, that is to say, they should put their hands on their shins and keep their belly sucked. Repeat 20 times.
Knee Elbow Raise
Sit up straight and place your hands behind your head. Raise the left knee towards the chest. Immediately followingwards, bend the right elbow so that the knee meets. Return to the starting position and repeat 15 times. Switch knee and elbow and repeat another 15 times.
This routine works abdominal fat and hips. You should keep your feet flat on the ground. Stretch your arms at shoulder level and touch your left foot with your right hand and turn from side to side. Repeat 20 times.
Infallible exercises to mark the waist following 50 years
There are people who exercise in order to improve their health and shape the body. According to Medline Plus, the website of the United States National Library of Medicine, physical inactivity can cause overweight and sagging, which worries many individuals.
To strengthen muscles, it has always been thought that the only solution is to do strenuous exercise routines, mainly with weights and following rigorous days in the gym. However, it is important to focus on the area that requires the most work.
Despite this, the specialized portal woman today listed a series of exercises with which it is possible to mark the waist if they are performed regarding three times a week and are combined with weight training routines and a balanced diet:
oblique crunches
1. Lie to the right side of the body.
2. Support the forearm and stretch the legs, putting one on top of the other.
3. Stretch the left arm over the legs.
4. Try to raise the legs a little to touch the ankle with the left arm.
5. Take into account the breath when practicing the exercise.
cross climbers
1. Place the palms of the hands and the toes on the ground.
2. Legs should be shoulder-width apart for better stability.
3. Bring one knee to the opposite arm. That is, if the left knee is raised, it should be directed towards the right arm.
Side-by-side dynamic planks
1. Place your forearms on the floor together with the balls of your feet.
2. Forearms should be at shoulder height and legs slightly apart.
3. Gently move the hip from left to right.