Five things you should pay attention to when buying a used car? | Business

Because of this, even now, buying a new model causes a lot of stress. Where is the best place to look for a used car, what to pay attention to when buying, so that it does not cause problems later?

Use continues to account for the lion’s share

Although the market for new cars in Lithuania is growing every year, the roads are still mostly flooded with used vehicles imported from other countries. car market barometer shows that in 2023, 30.6 thousand cars were sold in the country. new cars, but even 84.9 thousand used cars were imported from abroad. units. Almost 200 thousand were transferred from one hand to another within the country. machines, so a total of more than 300 thousand contracts were concluded. transactions, of which only 10 percent consisted of new models.

A mechanic inspects a car (Shutterstock photo)

So, although Lithuanians prefer newer and more expensive vehicles, used ones still dominate here. And these, as history shows, can be like a cat in a bag. Beautiful from the outside, but can become a big headache later on. Where and how to buy used machines to protect yourself from any troubles? What to pay attention to when buying, what to check?

Matas Buzelis (photo by Vytautas Pilkauskas)

Matas Buzelis (photo by Vytautas Pilkauskas)

Experts say that it is probably easiest and safest to buy newer, more expensive models second hand. Especially from authorized centers that sell tested cars with warranties. Independent sellers such as “Longo” or “Vilnius Auto” also provide several-month warranties, but at an official dealership such as “Bravoauto” you can get even a 12-month warranty for a used car.

However, officially sold, inspected, selected and repaired cars from dealerships usually cost more than the market average, and Lithuanians like to save or want to buy a better, higher-class car for the amount of money they have, so they browse advertisement portals and are still tempted by offers in the markets. How not to get burned looking for a vehicle there?

History is important

Matas Buzelis, head of communications at carVertical, says there are three steps that will help you avoid getting scammed when buying a used car.
“The first step is to review the history of the car you want. After all, it is possible that you will drive 200 km for a good car, and as soon as you look at it, you will realize that there was nothing to bother regarding. The history can show discrepancies in mileage, previous damages, it eliminates the asymmetry of information between the buyer and the seller”, teaches M. Buzelis.

According to him, if you see in the history that the car has suffered damage, you should pay attention to how big it was. If the damage caused to a higher-class model amounted to several hundred or several thousand euros, this does not necessarily mean that it is poor. A lot of cars get into minor technical incidents, following which one other detail needs to be repainted, the lamp replaced and another little thing.

This does not affect its safety, and knowing which place has been damaged allows you to inspect it more closely. If the work was carried out at an authorized dealer, it is likely that the vehicle will be restored to like-new condition. If the damage exceeds 20 thousand euros, it is possible that the car was seriously damaged, the airbags were deployed or the body structure was damaged.

After the test drive – to the service

“If the car’s history doesn’t show any bad things, a normal test drive is necessary. And this is not a circle in the Perkūnkiemi district: you should go around a normal circle of at least 20 km on various roads, because only then can you make an impression. Of course, here it is important to know regarding the car, what sounds it emits, how the engine works, it would be desirable to invite a person with such knowledge”, continues M. Buzelis.

Experts agree that a used car will reveal itself the most while driving. Technically, you can hear the uneven operation of the engine or the forming suspension, as well as emotionally feel whether it is suitable for the driver. Realizing this, reliable car dealers do not limit buyers to a few laps on the showroom floor. For example, Bravoauto not only provides a detailed history of each model for sale, but also provides the opportunity to fully test the car on public roads.

However, one should not rely on emotions following a test drive, so the specialist calls a visit to a reputable service center as the third necessary step.

“If the seller does not agree to go to the service, it will be a sign that he is hiding something or that he himself is not sure of the condition of the product. A good service or an official representative office will write the conclusions in black on white. Then, when the customer will be familiar with the actual condition of the car, he will be able to enter into negotiations with the seller, assess how much he would like to pay for the purchase,” sums up the carVertical representative.

He adds that in modern cars, there are fewer places that can be seen with the naked eye. You can check the thickness of the paint, inspect the body, and find where corrosion may have started. Tires should also be evaluated, as uneven wear may indicate damaged geometry, which may be left over from poor post-accident repairs.

Most of the components of modern models are difficult to reach, controlled by electronics, so most errors can be hidden, and it is difficult to see their degree of wear. As a result, it is worth spending another hundred euros on inspections and not buying a car, or constantly repairing a bag of problems later.

It is safest to go to official representatives

And where to look for a good car? In addition to the used car showrooms of official dealerships, according to M. Buzel, the best option is a car that has been driven and operated for a long time, at least several years. The owner will know its flaws, nuances, will have taken care of it and will likely replace it due to natural renewal.

Those cars that have been registered in Lithuania under the seller’s name for just a month or three should raise suspicions. Why is he selling one then? Was it immediately bought for resale, just took some time to prepare?
“The biggest danger is buying cars that have just arrived from Germany at a good price. Here it is already a fairy tale. Cars are not cheap in Germany, and they still need to be brought from there, ready for sale, so how can they be so cheap? According to our company data, regarding 80 percent the cars from Germany arrive in Lithuania broken”, states M. Buzelis.

According to him, vehicles sold by official representatives are the most lenient. They are more expensive than the market average, but they are usually of high quality, tested and in order. For example, Bravoauto personally inspects all the cars it sells and provides customers with detailed reports on their condition.

As the Lithuanian economy grew and Lithuanians increasingly bought expensive cars, the need for quality services arose, which is why almost every new car dealer opened their own used vehicle department, where they sell only officially maintained models. For example, the Inchcape group, which sells models of Ford, Mazda, Land Rover, Jaguar, BMW, Mini and other manufacturers, founded Bravoauto, Moller Auto, and also opened separate used car dealerships salons. Competition is also increased by independent, but officially operating and guaranteed sellers, such as “Longo” or “Vilnius Auto”.

#pay #attention #buying #car #Business
2024-07-18 12:53:38



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