Five things to know about sauerkraut – Gastronomy

The sauerkraut is a simple and typical German food. The fermented white cabbage has a lot to offer: it provides vitamins and lactic acid bacteria for a healthy intestine.

1) Finely chop white cabbage, let it ferment comfortably for a few weeks and you have one, if not the internationally most famous German national dish.

2) Sauerkraut provides vitamins C, B and lots of lactic acid bacteria, which are so healthy for the intestines.

3) The ancient Greeks already had a soft spot for soured cabbage, and sauerkraut has been produced industrially since the 19th century. While in the past mainly wooden barrels and stoneware pots were used for fermentation, today airtight closable fermentation silos are used.

4) According to Statista, in 2021 the German food industry produced a total of around 72,720 tons of sauerkraut.

5) When it comes to preparation, sauerkraut is a very willing companion: When steaming, it enjoys spices such as caraway and fennel seeds, but is also open to apples and grapes.

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