Five simple and effective tips to boost your memory

Here are some techniques to train your memory. A subject discussed in our forum dedicated to the brain, Neuroplanète, on March 10 and 11 in Nice.

By Adèlia Paolillo (article and video)

« AWith practice, you become more skilled with your memory, it is more flexible and it responds better. Accustomed to learning texts by heart, Félicien Juttner, actor, author and director, reveals his five tips for developing his memory as part of our forum dedicated to the brain, Neuroplanète, on March 10 and 11 in Nice.

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The dictation

It’s a classic but still works: dictating to yourself what you want to learn by heart by recording yourself, for example, with the help of your phone and writing down the text thus recited. “This method is very effective, because it mobilizes all memories: I read it, I say it, I hear it, I write it, I see it”, explains the actor.

Restore meaning

According to Félicien Juttner, by dint of learning texts by heart, especially at school, we have become accustomed to “taking off the meaning of what we are saying”. However, it is important to understand what we are talking about in order to better assimilate it. “Returning to the meaning of what we are saying makes it easier to learn it by heart”, specifies the actor.

Tell someone about your text

Another trick to better memorize your text is to recite it to someone or in front of an imaginary audience. Repeating this exercise allows you to gradually appropriate the text and embody it. Félicien Juttner emphasizes: “Imagining yourself speaking your text to someone else makes it easier to memorize. We retain it more quickly, because it comes in like communication. »

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Practice your memory

“We are used to saying that memory is a muscle”, explains the actor. Well, memory is not a muscle, physically and scientifically speaking. But, like sports training, it is possible to develop mechanisms that allow you to learn and memorize things more quickly. Gradually, it is easier to retain a text because our techniques and learning abilities work more effectively.

Loving what you learn

Félicien Juttner’s ultimate piece of advice is “to find at all costs a way to love what you have to learn by heart”. It is essential to remember the importance of pleasure in learning; it represents a real engine for motivating oneself to learn.

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