Five planets will parade through the sky on March 27: a celestial ballet not to be missed!

This is all the magic of celestial mechanics. As night falls, a cluster of five planets will be visible to the naked eye in the night sky, shortly following sunset. An astronomical ballet during which Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Uranus will parade in order of appearance, with the famous star cluster M35 as “guest star”, without forgetting the Moon, which will reappear timidly on the occasion of its first crescent to join the festivities.

It is Mercury and Jupiter who will open the ball that evening. The two stars will appear regarding twenty minutes following sunset, pointing your peepers towards the west. Despite their intense brilliance, it will sometimes be difficult to distinguish them with the naked eye above the horizon line, because of the twilight. Hence the interest of using an optical aid to observe them, with binoculars for example. The two stars will be visible for regarding thirty minutes, before disappearing.



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