Five out of ten have a bad perception of education –

Almost half of Bolivians surveyed by Ipsos Ciesmori consider that education in Bolivia is bad.

STUDY. This is how respondents responded when asked about the general quality of education.

Almost half of Bolivians surveyed by Ipsos Ciesmori consider that education in Bolivia is bad. The perception is more negative when the questions point to the curriculum or preparation at the university.

The Education Monitor 2024 covered 30 countries. On the global average, 36% believe that their country has a bad education system, while in Bolivia this perception rises to 47%.

When Bolivians were asked to make a comparison with their time as students, 57% responded that education is worse now; Globally, 47% chose that option.

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Another fact: 66% disagree that the school curriculum adequately prepares students for future professional careers.

Along these lines, 53% of those surveyed in the country, five out of ten, maintain that the university does not adequately train students for future careers; The overall percentage is 40%.

Ipsos Ciesmori also consulted on the biggest challenges of the education system. Political or ideological bias, an outdated curriculum and inadequate teacher training were identified as the main challenges.

The study includes a chapter dedicated to technology. 27% of Bolivians believe that technological advances, including artificial intelligence, will have a more positive than negative impact, 29% have a neutral position and 28% believe more negative than positive.

In Bolivia, 400 online surveys were administered.



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