five natural recipes to control levels

Diet is a key factor in lowering high levels of a substance such as uric acid. If a person has an unhealthy diet, it is most likely that the values ​​will increase, but if it is healthy, it is most likely that the chemical will reduce its indicators.

Uric acid is a chemical that is produced when the body breaks down substances called purines.which are normally found in the body, but also in some foods and drinks, says the US National Library of Medicine, Medline Plus.

Most of this chemical dissolves in the blood and then travels to the kidneys, from where it is expelled in the urine. When the body produces too much uric acid or does not eliminate it in sufficient quantities, a series of problems can be generated for the body itself, such as gout that occurs due to the formation of crystals in the joints.

The same American Library indicates that high levels of uric acid in the urine may be due to:

  • Drop.
  • Kidney stones or having a high risk of kidney stones.
  • Leukemia, multiple myeloma, or cancer that has spread in the body.
  • Obesity.
  • An inherited congenital condition, such as Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, that makes it hard for your body to get rid of uric acid.

Also, as noted above, a healthy diet is vitally important in reducing high uric acid levels. For this reason, the digital platform health 180 recommends five meatless recipes to meet this goal:

2. Avocado stuffed with panela cheese. “This fruit is not on the list of high purine foods, just like low-fat cheese. Cut an avocado in half Dice the pulp and mix it with chopped panela cheese and halved cherry tomatoes; add salt and pepper, fill the avocado and add a splash of balsamic vinegar to finish”.

3. Quinoa salad. “Called a pseudo cereal, quinoa is highly prized for its vegetable protein content. Preparing a salad with this grain is very simple, just wash the quinoa well and cook it. Then mix it with grilled panela cheese, nuts, apple and celery; another option is to mix it with roasted vegetables and chickpeas.”

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4. Beet Burger. Grate or mash three beets and one cooked carrot, add salt, pepper, and your favorite spices. Mix and add 100 grams of ground bread to get a manageable dough; Take to the pan and cook with a little oil. Serve on bread or alone accompanied with a salad.

5. Jamaican toast. “Prepare hibiscus water, but don’t throw away the flowers, prepare them as you would with chicken: season the onion, add the hibiscus, ground tomato and chipotle to taste. When semi-dry, serve with baked toast and avocado, Greek yogurt, or cottage cheese instead of cream,” the site concludes.

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