Five Major Initiatives Donald Trump Would Champion Following a U.S. Election Win

Former President and Republican candidate Donald Trump (2017-2021) is “encouraged” ahead of the US elections next November.

On Saturday, September 7, he claimed that he is “the only one who can prevent World War III” at a political rally in Wisconsin, one of the “swing states” where the presidential election could be at stake.

The key measures of his program to govern the North American country again were recently revealed.

Deporting migrants, promoting the oil industry and cryptocurrencies are some of the measures that the Republican candidate promises if he wins the US presidential election.

1. Expulsion of migrants

    On his first day in office, Trump promises to carry out “the largest internal expulsion operation” in history because he believes that migrants “poison the blood” of the country.

    “We will send them back as soon as possible,” he says at his rallies.

    Known for his project to build a border wall with Mexico, the septuagenarian does not rule out “using the army” and opening new detention camps to carry out these expulsions.

    It also plans to deny the children of “irregular migrants” the right to land, which grants citizenship to people born in the United States.

    And threatens to “reinstate” his controversial immigration decree against Muslim countries.

    2. Long live oil

      Donald Trump slammed the door on the Paris Climate Agreement during his first term (2017-21).

      If re-elected, he promises to “quickly end the great green scam,” meaning the hundreds of billions of dollars spent by Democrat Joe Biden’s administration on climate change.

      “We’re going to drill like crazy!” he also promises his followers.

      According to him, this will allow energy prices to “come down very quickly.”

      “In many cases, we will cut your energy costs in half,” the Republican billionaire said.

      3. Tariffs and cryptocurrencies

        On the economic front, the Republican billionaire is considering imposing tariffs of “more than 10%” on all imports.

        With this revenue, he wants to finance “a huge tax cut for the middle class, the upper class, the lower class and the business class.”

        Donald Trump also pledged to make the United States “the world capital of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies” and to entrust billionaire Elon Musk with the responsibility of a major audit of the US administration.

        The former president, who waged a bitter trade war with China during his first term, also plans to revoke the “most favored nation” clause granted to Beijing to expand bilateral trade.

        4. The right to abortion

          The Republican claims to be the architect of the Supreme Court’s decision to revoke federal abortion rights in June 2022.

          But it is much more ambiguous when it comes to talking about the future of voluntary interruptions of pregnancy in the country.

          The religious right would like to see Trump promise to ban abortion nationwide through federal law, but he knows that such a measure is very unpopular and is abstaining.

          He recommends that everyone act according to “their conscience” and reminds people at rallies that they must not forget “that elections must also be won.”

          “My administration will be great for women and their reproductive rights,” she says.

          5. War in Ukraine

            Donald Trump says he would resolve the war in Ukraine “within 24 hours” if elected, without saying how.

            “I have a very precise plan to stop Ukraine and Russia. And I have a certain idea – maybe not a plan, but an idea – for China,” he said during an interview.

            The former president, however, refused to comment on the details of these hypothetical plans.

            “But I can’t give you those plans, because if I give them to you, I won’t be able to use them, they’ll be very fruitless. Part of it is the surprise, okay?” he said.

            Donald Trump emerged as Israel’s absolute defender during the outbreak of the war with the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas.

            But he has since been vague about the unconditionality of this support, saying he is “not exactly sure” he approves of the way Israel is carrying out its Gaza offensive.

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#measures #Donald #Trumps #program #implement #wins #elections

Here are some ⁤PAA (People Also Ask) related​ questions for ⁣the title⁢ **”Donald Trump’s Campaign Promises: ⁢A Breakdown of his Key Proposals”**:

Donald Trump’s ‌Campaign Promises: ⁤A Breakdown of his Key Proposals

As the 2024⁣ US presidential election approaches, former President Donald Trump ⁤is “encouraged” about his chances of winning, claiming to‍ be the only⁤ candidate who can prevent World ​War III. Trump ⁢has⁢ recently revealed the key⁣ measures ⁢of his program to govern the ⁢North American country ⁢again, including deporting migrants,​ promoting ⁣the⁤ oil industry, and⁤ embracing cryptocurrencies.

Expulsion of Migrants

Trump has⁤ promised to carry ⁢out “the largest internal expulsion operation” in‌ history on his ⁢first day in office, believing that migrants “poison ⁣the blood” of​ the country. He ⁣plans to use ⁤the army and ⁣open new ⁣detention ‍camps to carry out these expulsions⁤ and deny ⁤citizenship to the ⁣children of “irregular migrants.” Trump‌ also ⁢threatens to reinstate⁤ his controversial immigration decree against Muslim countries.

Long Live Oil

Trump has vowed to “quickly ⁢end the great green scam,” referring‌ to the hundreds ⁢of billions of dollars spent by the Biden administration on climate change. He promises to ​”drill like⁢ crazy” and claims ⁢that this will allow‌ energy ​prices to‌ “come down‍ very quickly.” Trump⁢ believes ⁢that‌ his plan⁤ will cut energy costs in half for many Americans.

Tariffs and Cryptocurrencies

The Republican billionaire is considering imposing​ tariffs of​ “more than ⁢10%” ⁢on all imports to finance a “huge tax cut for the​ middle ⁤class, the upper class,⁤ the lower class, ‌and the ⁤business ‍class.”​ Trump also⁤ wants ​to make the United States​ “the world capital ‌of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies” and has ‍pledged to entrust billionaire Elon Musk ‍with ⁣a major⁣ audit of ​the US administration.

The Right to Abortion

Trump claims to ‍be the architect of the Supreme Court’s decision to revoke federal abortion rights. While‌ he has been ⁤ambiguous about the future⁣ of voluntary ‍interruptions of pregnancy, he recommends that⁣ everyone ⁣act according to “their conscience” and reminds ​people at rallies‌ that they⁤ must ⁣not forget “that⁤ elections ⁣must also be won.”

War in Ukraine

Trump has promised to resolve the​ war in Ukraine “within 24 hours” if⁢ elected, but⁢ has refused to‌ comment on​ the⁤ details of his hypothetical plan. He claims to have a “very precise plan to stop Ukraine and Russia” and an ⁢”idea” for ⁤China, but believes that revealing too ‍much ‌would make his plans “fruitless.”

Recent Debates and Polls

In recent debates, Trump has faced off against Democratic candidate Kamala Harris, with many analysts suggesting that Harris “nailed” Trump on ⁣the defensive. According to ‍recent polls, Harris appears to be gaining ground ⁢on ⁤Trump, with some polls suggesting that she may have won the first debate [[1]]. Other⁣ reports suggest that Harris was​ able‌ to “pin” Trump on the defensive during the debate [[2]]. As the election‍ approaches,⁤ it ‍remains to be​ seen how Trump’s campaign promises will resonate with American voters.

Trump’s campaign promises are likely to polarize American voters, with some seeing him as a strong leader who will protect American interests, while others view him as a divisive figure‌ who​ will ⁢exacerbate⁣ social and economic problems. ⁢As⁤ the election‌ approaches, it is essential to⁢ closely examine ​Trump’s proposals and their ‌potential ​impact on the country.

2024 presidential election predictions

Donald Trump’s Campaign Promises: A Breakdown of his Key Proposals

As the 2024 US presidential election approaches, former President and Republican candidate Donald Trump (2017-2021) has outlined his key promises to govern the North American country again. Trump, who has claimed to be the only one who can prevent World War III, has revealed his program’s key measures, including deporting migrants, promoting the oil industry and cryptocurrencies, and more.

1. Expulsion of Migrants

On his first day in office, Trump promises to carry out “the largest internal expulsion operation” in history, believing that migrants “poison the blood” of the country. He plans to send them back as soon as possible, even considering using the army and opening new detention camps to carry out these expulsions. Additionally, he wants to deny the children of “irregular migrants” the right to land, which grants citizenship to people born in the United States, and threatens to “reinstate” his controversial immigration decree against Muslim countries.

2. Long Live Oil

During his first term, Trump slammed the door on the Paris Climate Agreement, and if re-elected, he promises to “quickly end the great green scam,” meaning the hundreds of billions of dollars spent by Democrat Joe Biden’s administration on climate change. He vows to “drill like crazy!” which, according to him, will allow energy prices to “come down very quickly” and cut energy costs in half in many cases.

3. Tariffs and Cryptocurrencies

On the economic front, Trump is considering imposing tariffs of “more than 10%” on all imports to finance “a huge tax cut for the middle class, the upper class, the lower class and the business class.” He also pledges to make the United States “the world capital of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies” and entrust billionaire Elon Musk with the responsibility of a major audit of the US administration. Furthermore, he plans to revoke the “most favored nation” clause granted to Beijing to expand bilateral trade.

4. The Right to Abortion

Trump claims to be the architect of the Supreme Court’s decision to revoke federal abortion rights in June 2022. However, he is ambiguous about the future of voluntary interruptions of pregnancy in the country. While the religious right wants him to promise to ban abortion nationwide through federal law, Trump knows such a measure is unpopular and opts instead to recommend that everyone act according to “their conscience.” He reminds



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