Five good reasons to take part in the diabetes screening this Saturday

The LIDER association (Lions international diabetes screening and research), chaired by Albert Misseri, is renewing this Saturday, April 1, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., its free diabetes screening operation in Nice and in the Nice region.

Three meeting points: place Masséna (near the promenade du Paillon), Carrefour Lingostière and Auchan La Trinité.

Here are five good reasons to get tested this Saturday.

1. Because it’s free and fast

The sample is painless and takes just a few seconds. It is a prick at the end of a finger to take a droplet of blood put on a strip. This is placed in a reader which, following five seconds, displays a number indicating whether you are likely to have diabetes.

2. Because you remain in control of your choices

Doctors are responsible for explaining to those who are not in the norm what they may incur if they do not treat themselves. Their mission is therefore to encourage, but not to oblige, these “out of bounds” adults to go see their doctor, the only one able to establish a diagnosis and who will prescribe a blood test in the laboratory.

3. Because there are only volunteers

None of the participants is paid: members of Lions clubs who provide supervision, nurses from training institutes of the Red Cross and university hospitals, doctors, dieticians…

4. Because diabetes should not be underestimated

There are a million people in France who are diabetic and do not know it and 20,000 additional cases per year. It is type II diabetes (90% of diabetics) that is particularly sought following on screening sites. It mostly strikes people over 40.

5. Because it’s an opportunity to improve your lifestyle

One of the causes of type II diabetes is a poor lifestyle: stress, overly rich diet, sugary drinks, lack of physical activity… For other diabetics, there is a hereditary factor. 40% of people with a diabetic parent are at risk of being diabetic themselves. This rate rises to 70% if both parents are diabetic.



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