five exercises that help boost it

Vision is one of the most used senses by human beings and taking care of it should be paramount for everyone, since worldwide it is estimated that approximately 1,300 million people live with some form of visual impairment, according to figures from the World Health Organization (WHO).

In fact, in the world there are at least 2.2 billion people with near or distance vision impairment and in at least 1 billion of those cases, that is, almost half, visual impairment might have been prevented or treatment has not yet been applied.

In addition, the organization indicated that the main causes of vision deterioration are:

  • Uncorrected refractive errors.
  • Waterfalls.
  • Macular degeneration related to age.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Diabetic retinopathy.
  • Opacity of the cornea.
  • Trachoma.

Also, he indicated that Most people with vision impairment and blindness are over the age of 50, although vision loss can affect people of all ages.

For this reason, the Salud180 portal revealed five exercises to enhance sight and the first consists of blinking often and every ten minutes looking at an object in the distance for five seconds.

The second exercise consists of covering one eye with the palm of the hand without generating pressure and with the eye that is uncovered, see objects for a couple of minutes, and then change eyes. The above can be practiced at the end of the day.

The third exercise is to make circles with your eyes. That is, look up, down and to both sides.

The penultimate suggestion is to close your eyes and gently lift your upper lid.

Finally, he recommended gently pinching the inner part of the eyebrows three to five times.

However, these are not the only exercises for the eyes, since Medline Plus, the National Library of Medicine of the United States, advised to try the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look forward regarding six meters for 20 seconds.

On the other hand, in addition to the exercises, other recommendations should be followed, such as:

1. Have a healthy diet: Following a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, particularly dark leafy greens like spinach, cabbage, and kale, is also important for keeping your eyes healthy. Research has also shown there are eye health benefits to eating fish high in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, tuna, and halibut.

In addition, José Antonio Parejo, ophthalmologist and director of IMQ Vision, in Madrid, told the Cuídate Plus portal that “the most advisable foods are those that contain vitamins A, E, C, B2 (riboflavin) and lutein. Among the least recommended are red meat, alcohol, sausages and those with high levels of saturated fat.

2. Wear sunglasses: Sun exposure can damage the eyes and increase the risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the eyes with sunglasses that block 99 to 100% of UVA and UVB radiation.

3. Quit smoking: if a person smokes, they are twice as likely to have age-related macular degeneration compared to a non-smoker, and if a person smokes they are two to three times more likely to have cataracts than a non-smoker.

4. Exercise regularly: exercise can help prevent or control diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. These diseases can lead to some eye or vision problems.

5. Know the family medical history: Some eye diseases run in families, so it’s important to find out if anyone in your family has had them. This can help determine if you are at higher risk of developing any.



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