“Five big mountains” and “three poisonous snakes” crush the people (photo) Three withdrawals | quit the party | statement | corruption | CCP | Communist Party | blog | Chen Xi

New York’s march in support of the Three Withdrawals movement (Photo source: China View)

[Watch China 2024 August 25] Shanxi residents Zhang Pingan, Zhang Meili, Wu Xingfu, and 11 others released a statement regarding the Three Withdrawals: “The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is a tyrannical regime. The people live under a form of communist slavery and are burdened by five major issues: corrupt officials, housing, healthcare, education, and pensions. In addition to these burdens, three ‘poisonous snakes’ follow closely behind: black snakes (police officers, prosecutors, and judges), white snakes (doctors), and cobras (the education system). Dealing with these poisonous snakes incurs enormous costs.”

“We have withdrawn from the party and group organizations we once joined in ignorance, hoping for the early disintegration of the Communist Party.”

A statement from a pseudonymous individual who joined the Party in 1987 stated, “Quitting the Party and leaving the League: This party is an evil organization that exists solely for the benefit of its high-ranking officials. It acts as a greedy vampire, draining the blood of the people. For this reason, we must leave this evil organization and strive towards the light.”

The CCP is a greedy vampire that drains the people’s resources

Yuan Wenbin from Guangdong resolutely withdrew from the party, declaring: “It is an evil organization that oppresses and exploits innocent people. From the outset, it has fabricated lies and is as bloodthirsty as a vampire. The working class has no hope whatsoever. What we need is democracy, freedom, and equality. We require our own space to perform our essential work adequately. However, this evil party provides no room for such pursuits. Its goal is to keep the populace ignorant and render law-abiding citizens subservient, like slaves.”

“Hayek predicted in 1949 that such evil regimes would ultimately lead their people ‘to the end of the road to slavery.’ The evil nature of this party has been discussed thoroughly in the past, present, and future.”

“The party does not equate to the country. Yet, this malevolent party prioritizes its own interests above those of the country, leading to numerous injustices worse than fascism and fostering a form of ‘death politics’ reminiscent of fascism. We aim to restore the country’s original state and revive the disregarded humanity, which necessitates eliminating this evil party!”

Chen Weiyuan from Jiangxi stated, after resigning from the Communist Youth League: “Why do Chinese people work the hardest, yet earn the least, receive the worst welfare, and endure various man-made catastrophes? I had thought it was solely due to capitalism until I recently read “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party,” which made me realize that it was, in fact, the evil CCP that drains the people’s lifeblood!”

He continued: “The wicked CCP exploits the people relentlessly, with those at the top accumulating wealth and indulging themselves while the common populace suffers greatly!”

Chen Hui, Gong Hejuan, and Chen Junyuan declared their departure from the Party, League, and Youth League, stating: “Over time, I have come to understand life and its struggles. It’s not that we do not work hard; rather, we are surrounded by many greedy vampires!”

Zhang Fu, Mei Ju, Xiu Xiu, and six others quit their group and team: “We make our livelihoods through our own labor and have nothing to do with the evil party or its corruption. They siphon money abroad to enjoy while the common people suffer. We recognized the truth and resolutely withdrew from the party after witnessing the bravery of Falun Dafa practitioners who risked their lives to clarify the facts.”

Xiao Nan from Hebei Province requested to leave the Communist Youth League of the evil party, stating: “This party is a rogue organization that brings calamity upon the nation and its people, selfishly harming them and using their blood and sweat for its own gain. May God swiftly eliminate the CCP!”

A passerby from Hebei commented: “The Communist Party is a genuine cult organization, vastly unpopular and destined to exit the stage of history, forever marked in infamy. Those so-called public servants who profess to serve the people are merely vampires draining the lifeblood of society. The CCP has brought forth more officials than any other time in Chinese history. The people are exhausted and have completely seen through their deceptions, withdrawing from all of the CCP’s evil organizations to no longer be the descendants of Marx and Lenin, but rather the children of China.”

Zhang Li announced his withdrawal from the group and team: “Everything espoused by the CCP is fabricated. They claim to serve the people while, in reality, they oppress and exploit them daily. The number of lives lost during the three-year epidemic is simply staggering. The vaccines were evidently ineffective, yet they still coerced the people into vaccination. I have seen the truth: the CCP is only concerned with profits and disregards the people’s lives. Recently, as the epidemic resurged, many people, especially children, became infected. Again, the CCP feigns ignorance, offers no effective solutions, and leaves the populace to fend for itself. This is a corrupt party. I have decided to renounce all affiliations with this evil organization and lead a virtuous life.”

Xiaoju and Xiaoli stated, “The Communist Party is a bloodsucker. Without it, China would be prosperous, and its citizens would thrive. We are Young Pioneers who have renounced this wicked communist cult.”

CCP medical corruption forces doctors to abandon their ethics

A calm statement from northern China announcing departure from the Communist Youth League and Young Pioneers reported: “A friend working in a hospital told me that doctors prioritize sales performance. They attempt to deceive patients into unnecessary hospitalizations and prescribe overpriced medications. If a patient dies, they blame it on the patient’s own choices. Schools have adopted this business model as well. China boasts a 5,000-year history, teeming with morals and etiquette. The people should not strive solely for wealth or power; they should at least comprehend basic moral principles. The Communist Party, this wicked cult, has truly ravaged our society.”

Miao Miao, a pharmaceutical representative, and Yun Yun, a health system employee, announced their resignation from the Communist Youth League and Young Pioneers: “We are aware of the extensive corruption within China’s healthcare system. Ordinary individuals find it difficult and costly to seek medical care. The environment in China is deteriorating, smog is severe, and the people live in extreme hardship without any sense of security.”

Wang Xiaoxue from Beijing issued a statement resigning from the Party: “Throughout my more than ten years in medicine, I have witnessed countless individuals rushed to the hospital due to sudden illnesses stemming from overwork, with some ultimately perishing. I have seen many individuals fall into despair due to exorbitant medical bills, surrendering treatment. Each instance fills me with sorrow.”

Sun Ping from Tianjin stated: “The Communist Party has become increasingly malevolent since the reform and opening up. In a village of over 2,900 residents, only around 100 live comfortably while the rest struggle constantly. If they fall ill, they risk death due to their inability to afford medical treatment. Hereby, I renounce the red scarf I previously wore, publicly declaring my contempt for the tyranny of the Communist Party, and I hope for a free and beautiful future for China!”

Qu Shui expressed: “As a doctor, I am aware that the origins of many organs remain unknown. However, my physician colleagues choose to overlook this in the interest of current patients, utilizing whatever is available from the organ bank. I have long understood that organ transplants hold substantial value. Given the CCP’s inhumane actions, I must sever ties with them. I hereby declare my withdrawal from the Young Pioneers of China and am optimistic about my future. Thank you!”

Taiyuan Audi: “The CCP denies organ harvesting. In my medical career, I have questioned CCP propagandists about where the organs for such numerous transplant operations come from, and they fail to provide answers. The CCP demonizes good people. I thus declare my resignation from the Communist Youth League and Young Pioneers, having stopped believing in the CCP long ago.”

A physician pseudonymously known as Life-Saving in Yanjiao, Hebei stated: “The CCP’s live organ harvesting is inhumane and cruel. Their actions are devoid of humanity, reminiscent of beasts—worse than dogs. As a doctor, I assert that live organ harvesting is murderous, entirely unethical, and devoid of medical morality. It is necessary for God to eradicate the CCP, for they are wicked, vile, and shameless, continuously harming the public without contributing anything positive. They should have been eliminated long ago.”

The public security, procuratorial, and judicial organs have become the underworld, all serving financial gain

Recently, a trend of reporting internal corruption in the Chinese Communist Party’s officialdom has emerged online, particularly in Jilin, Liaoning, Fujian, Chongqing, and other provinces, with many officials from the political and legal systems disclosing violations publicly.

Some netizens commented on the X platform: “Social injustice is escalating, the Communist Party becomes increasingly corrupt, and government departments grow more lazy and complacent. No one in society, from top to bottom, remains untouched. There is no avenue for justice, and thus we can only report online.” “Public security, procuratorial, and judicial officials opt for online reporting while encouraging us to resolve issues through formal channels. It’s absurd!”

Ai Ying: “I was a member of the CCP’s public security, procuratorial, and judicial sectors. I witnessed the CCP’s greed and darkness. After reading the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, I have fully grasped the essence of the CCP. I now formally declare my immediate withdrawal from the CCP and the youth league organizations I originally joined.”

Cheng Ge and Xiao Ying expressed: “We understand that the CCP has consistently persecuted the Chinese populace and oppressed our neighbors in the same village. Many in public security, procuratorial, and judicial roles neglect justice to secure their positions, disregarding citizens’ rights and legal entitlements. Therefore, we solemnly declare our resignation from the heinous CCP.”

Dr. Jiang, a hospital director in Wuhan, Hubei Province, implicated in a criminal case involving controlled substances, stated: “In my dealings with the Public Security Bureau, Procuratorate, and Court of a certain city in Zhejiang Province, I directly observed the corruption and malevolence within the CCP’s ‘public security, procuratorial, and judicial bodies.’ They coerced confessions, falsely accused individuals, and extorted money through various means. Had I not witnessed it firsthand, I truly would not have believed the extent of the evil present in the Communist Party’s ‘public security, procuratorial, and judicial systems.'”

Inner Mongolian Bing Xin declared her departure from the Communist Party’s Young Pioneers: “I abhor the policies, legal framework, social injustices, rampant corruption, and the moral decay that has tainted our world due to the Communist Party.”

Li Jing, Jiang Qingming, and Jiang Wenbo from Liaoning announced their resignation from the Communist Party’s Young Pioneers: “We have personally experienced the corruption and depravity within the Communist Party. It destroys humanity, defies principles of morality, and harms people of faith. It leads individuals into ideological degradation, spiritual decline, and moral decay. Society resembles a vast dye vat, where people are frantically pursuing wealth. Officials are corrupt and debased, with public security, procuratorial, and judicial entities devolving into underworld organizations, all serving monetary interests.”

“The Communist Party truly undermines humanity. We must declare our withdrawal from it and seek protection from Falun Dafa. We hope for peace in the future!”

(The article represents only the author’s personal position and views)

source:Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP

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<h2>Understanding the Three Withdrawals Movement in China</h2>

<p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="Three Withdrawals" src="https://img5.secretchina.com/pic/2024/3-5/p3459749a534964970-ss.jpg" style="height:337px; width:600px" /></p>

<p>The <strong>Three Withdrawals Movement</strong> refers to the mass withdrawal from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), its affiliated organizations, and the Communist Youth League. This movement has gained momentum as individuals across China express their discontent with the CCP's tyranny, oppression, and corruption. Notable examples have emerged from individuals in various provinces, who have publicly denounced their previous affiliations and described the oppressive nature of the regime.</p>

<h2>Voices of Discontent: Statements from Former Members</h2>

<p>Individuals like <strong>Zhang Pingan</strong> from Shanxi articulated that the CCP's regime is akin to "communist slavery". They described their experiences of living under the weight of five oppressive "mountains": **corruption**, **housing**, **medicine**, **education**, and **pensions**. Furthermore, they likened oppressive state actors to "poisonous snakes" that financially drain the populace, citing police, doctors, and the education system's exploitation.</p>

<p>Former members like <strong>Yuan Wenbin</strong> from Guangdong have characterized the CCP as a "greedy vampire". They claim that under the guise of governance, the regime exploits the working class, perpetuating a cycle of poverty and despair. Many former members are now advocating for **democracy** and **freedom**, distancing themselves from the party's malpractices.</p>

<h2>Public Perception of the CCP's Misery</h2>

<p>A common theme among resignation statements highlights a growing realization of the CCP's role in the suffering of the populace. Individuals like <strong>Chen Weiyuan</strong> from Jiangxi noted the stark contrast between their hard work and inadequate compensation, attributing this discrepancy to the CCP's exploitative nature. Such sentiments underscore the disconnect between the ruling party's claims of serving the citizens and the reality of systemic failure.</p>

<h3>Key Points from Resignation Statements</h3>
    <li>The CCP prioritizes its own interests above the people's welfare.</li>
    <li>Corruption permeates through various sectors, notably in healthcare and education.</li>
    <li>Many citizens feel powerless against the regime's oppressive policies.</li>

<h2>Medical Corruption and Its Impact</h2>

<p>Healthcare professionals have begun to voice their frustrations regarding the systemic corruption in China's healthcare system, revealing a troubling reliance on profit over patient care. <strong>Wang Xiaoxue</strong> from Beijing expressed sorrow over witnessing patients suffer due to overwhelming medical expenses, while others like <strong>Miao Miao</strong>, a pharmaceutical representative, criticized the relentless commercialization of healthcare.</p>

<h3>Corruption in Healthcare: A Closer Look</h3>
<table class="wp-block-table">
            <th>Impact on Patients</th>
            <td>High Medication Prices</td>
            <td>Inaccessibility to essential treatments</td>
            <td>Emphasis on Hospital Admissions</td>
            <td>Unnecessary medical interventions</td>
            <td>Lack of Medical Ethics</td>
            <td>Patients subjected to unfair practices and exploitation</td>

<h2>The Underbelly of Justice: Public Security and Judicial Corruption</h2>

<p>Another alarming revelation comes from those within the public security sector. Many former officials have recounted their experiences with corruption in law enforcement. <strong>Dr. Jiang</strong>, a hospital head, detailed a case involving the manipulation of justice systems, where bribes and illegal activities became the norm. These accounts suggest a systemic degradation of moral values across Chinese institutions.</p>

<h3>Public Perceptions of Justice</h3>
    <li>Corruption is perceived as an epidemic within public security.</li>
    <li>Civilians often feel hopeless, with no trust placed in formal complaint channels.</li>
    <li>Many officials reportedly engage in misconduct to retain their positions.</li>

<h2>International Reactions and the Future of the Three Withdrawals Movement</h2>

<p>The growing movement has garnered attention both domestically and internationally. Advocates argue that the withdrawal from the CCP is not just a personal liberation, but a stand against tyranny. Analysts believe that as more individuals withdraw, it may signify a larger trend of discontent against the regime, potentially leading to changes in China’s political landscape.</p>

<p>Tensions mount as the CCP continues tightening its grip over society, leading to underground movements and realignment of social sentiments. Citizens advocate for **freedom**, **democracy**, and a withdrawal from the aging ideologies upheld by the Communist Party. The impact of this movement could reshape the future of governance in China, possibly steering it towards a more open political system.</p>

<h3>Examples of Activism and Future Directions</h3>
    <li>Underground movements focused on education about party corruption.</li>
    <li>Formation of coalitions seeking democratic reform.</li>
    <li>International support for human rights and freedom of expression in China.</li>


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