If the competitors are strong, the business venture will have to go to great lengths to avoid closure. But no matter how carefully the business was conducted, Nick North, a native of Essex, England, had to close down the business due to a Alex Reed who came to Orkappuram. Nick’s business was shut down not by humans but by a SEAL. A seal accidentally landed in Nick’s lake, where he ran a fish farming business, and caused no retail headaches.
The seal arrived at Mark Hall Fisheries last December. The seal was fascinated by the fish and did not bother to return. And the seal kept taking in all the fish in sight without wasting a single second. Seeing the lake as a new settlement, the seal settled there and the locals named it Nelson. Various species of fish like carp and catfish were raised in Nik lake. When the fish population was seen to be drastically reduced, efforts were made to capture and remove Nelson.
The effort to catch the seal was led by British Divers Marine Life Rescue. But whenever he tried to catch it with the net, Nelson deftly slipped away. As the catch went on, the number of fish dwindled and Nelson’s body weight continued to increase. In a short time, Nelson ate fish worth Rs 400,000. As the number of fish dwindled, things got to the point where Nick had no choice but to shut down the business.
The last attempt to capture the seal was made on January 27. It is not usually practical to use drug traps to catch species of the seal species. If they are sedated, their breathing system opens up more, making them more likely to drown. If the water in the lake is dark, it is also difficult to find the seal later. But with no other means to catch Nelson, he finally decided to shoot himself.
Nelson drowned in the water following being drugged and tried to save his life. Although it was not an ideal situation for a drug bust, trying to capture the seal in such a way paved the way for a lot of speculation. But Nick’s response was that the British Divers Marine Life Rescue is fully responsible for shooting the rain. It was only the organization that made the decision to fire and carried it out. Nic also stated that his role was only to be there at the time as the license to fish in the reservoir was in his name.
Meanwhile, District Councilor Dave Sperring says it has been identified that the poaching was done with the good intention of capturing Nelson and releasing it into its natural habitat. He responded that despite making all kinds of arrangements, it was sad that the opposite happened.
English Summary; Greedy seal tragically dies in failed capture following eating every fish in lake