Fish oil: health benefits and harms, what are the benefits of omega 3 for women – January 19, 2023

Oksana Laryushkina

Omega deficiency is indicated by symptoms that many do not take seriously.

Polina Podlipenskaya, a leading expert on health products of the international company MeiTan, is speaking.

Why Omega is needed

Omega-3 is a building material for the cells of our body. It consists of cells that are constantly dividing and renewing throughout a person’s life. Any violation of this process (stress, bad ecology, viruses) leads to diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular and reproductive systems.

Cell membranes consist of a phospholipid layer through which the nutrients necessary for nutrition and energy pass into the cell. Omega acids are the building blocks of phospholipids, provide flexibility and integrity to cell membranes, and support cell renewal.

Where is fish oil found

Omega-3 acids are not produced inside the body, so it is important to get them from food or dietary supplements (BAA). In the daily diet, be sure to include walnuts, spinach, flax seeds or linseed oil, sea fish.

Signs of Omega-3 Deficiency in the Body

The following symptoms indicate a lack of Omega: dry skin and mucous membranes, hair loss, pain and “clicks” in the joints, decreased concentration, fatigue and sleep problems.

Omega deficiency can be determined using a medical analysis called the Omega-3 Index (Omega-3 Index). If its indicator is less than 8%, you should definitely use dietary supplements with Omega.

How to choose fish oil

When choosing a dietary supplement, it is important to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • The type of raw material from which fish oil is obtained. Preference should be given to small breeds of fish (anchovies): in small breeds, heavy metals and oil products that pollute the ocean practically do not accumulate.
  • The degree of purification and the ratio of EPA and DHA acids. Fish oil purification is considered effective from 60 to 90%, with a ratio of EPA and DHA of 2:1. This information is usually indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.
  • The form and dosage of dietary supplements. A convenient form of application of Omega-acids are considered soft gelatin capsules, a dosage of 1000 mg of fish oil and a ratio of 700 mg of EPA and 280 mg of DHA acids.
  • The presence of antioxidants in the composition. Oxidative stress is part of our daily lives. Free radicals attack us both externally (polluted air, radiation from smartphones and computers) and from within (preservatives in foods, drugs, products of metabolic reactions inside the body). Antioxidants limit the activity of free radicals, maintain the integrity and health of cells. Therefore, to enhance the effectiveness of Omega dietary supplements, vitamins A or E are added.


Dietary supplements with Omega have practically no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance. Therefore, for the prevention of deficiency, they can be consumed without a doctor’s prescription.

Recommendations for the use of Omega-3

Regular intake of omega-acids by 40% reduces the likelihood of life-threatening diseases – stroke and heart attack. Omega can be taken for the prevention and additional treatment of diseases such as atherosclerosis, dementia, various types of dermatitis and acne.

Omega-3s have a positive effect on vision, prevent the development of dry eye syndrome and inflammation of the retina. By strengthening cell membranes, Omega reduces the risk of the occurrence and growth of cysts inside the organs. When planning a pregnancy, it increases the chance of conception and ensures the healthy development of the fetus. Also, the intake of Omega-3 increases the metabolic rate and, in combination with sports loads, helps to reduce excess weight.

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