first The Heist & The Hazardous expansion and free Sunshine Springs update launched on video

2023-05-09 17:07:49

Last summer, Deep Silver et Volition were throwing Saints Row, reboot from their open-world action franchise. And GTA-like which will be quite disappointed by its too classic appearance, but the developers do not abandon it for all that. As announced, the title will be entitled to extensions and the first arrives today.

Studios launch today The Heist & The Hazardousthe first expansion for Saints Row. Additional content that adds three new missions to go solo or in cooperation, the weapon Grosse Bertha, a combat helicopter, rewards or even cosmetics. In addition to this DLC paid, developers publish a free update, Sunshine Springswhich adds other new features:

  • A whole new neighborhood to explore: Sunshine Springs;
  • Combat feel improvements and gameplay rebalancing;
  • A fashion selfie;
  • 12 new emotes as well as a selection wheel for emotes;
  • A new camera angle for vehicles;
  • Many other improvements.

This is obviously only the beginning of the festivities, the second expansion Doc Ketchum’s Murder Circus will be available in July, while the third and last big DLC will be launched in August. You can find Saints Row To €25.62 on Amazon.

Read also: TEST Saints Row (2022): a reboot that does not know where to turn

Writer – Tester

#Heist #Hazardous #expansion #free #Sunshine #Springs #update #launched #video

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