First Lady will not travel with Abinader to the summit to accompany the Jorge Villegas family

The first lady Raquel Arbaje announced that she would not accompany the president, Luis Abinader, to the IX Summit of the Americas, as planned.

Beyond the fact that she was scheduled to participate in the meeting of first ladies, convened by the Association of Spouses of Heads of State, she preferred to do it virtually.

As explained by the first lady, through her Twitter account, the reason for her absence is due to her desire to accompany the relatives of the late Minister Orlando Jorge Mera.

“I have decided not to travel because I want to accompany my relatives. from our dear friend and colleague Orlando Jorge Mera in these painful hours for them and for all Dominicans. My soul is in mourning,” he tweeted.

The President of the Republic announced that he would travel this followingnoon to Los Angeles, where the summit will be held, following having changed his itinerary due to the death of Jorge Mera.

This Monday, following Abinader and Arbaje left the residence of the Jorge Villegas family, the distressed first lady was seen, with teary eyes and expressions of clear sadness on her face.



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