First Israeli attack on Yemen causes chaos in the country’s main port

First Israeli attack on Yemen causes chaos in the country’s main port

The attack occurred the day following a drone launched by the rebels exploded in Tel Aviv / Photo: Diario Libre

The Israeli attack launched on Saturday once morest positions of the Shiite Houthi rebels in the port of Al Hodeida (west), the first by the Jewish State once morest Yemen, caused chaos at the main outlet to the Red Sea of ​​the Arab country.

Houthi officials said the attack targeted “oil depots and the power plant” in Al Hodeida, a city from which Yemeni insurgents launch a large part of their attacks once morest Israeli or Israeli-linked ships.

However, port sources told EFE that the Israeli bombing targeted “the fuel and gas unloading dock, the fuel storage tanks and the only two container cranes in operation.”

According to the sources, the customs building at the port of Al Hodeida “was destroyed”, while on the northern outskirts of the city, Israeli aircraft attacked the headquarters of the Houthi Military Police, as well as a headquarters of the Yemeni insurgents’ intelligence services.

The Israeli attack came a day following a drone launched by rebels exploded near the US embassy in Tel Aviv, killing an Israeli civilian.

The Houthi attack was the latest in a series of ballistic missile and drone attacks by Yemeni rebels once morest Israel, although most were intercepted before reaching their target.

However, yesterday’s attack was the most far-reaching one carried out by the insurgents since they launched their offensive once morest Israel in support of Palestine last November.

At least 80 injured

According to Yemen’s Saba news agency, controlled by pro-Iranian rebels, at least 80 people were injured, some of them with serious burns, is the provisional estimate of the victims of the Israeli attack on Al Hodeida.

This is the first account of the Israeli bombardment that caused a huge explosion at the important port of the coastal city, although the Ministry of Health previously said there were “martyrs and wounded”, according to Saba, without giving further details.

Firefighters and members of the Civil Defense are still working to extinguish the large fire caused by the Israeli action.

Sana / EFE

#Israeli #attack #Yemen #chaos #countrys #main #port
2024-07-21 03:05:01



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