First film shot in space; Russia released ‘The Challenge’ trailer

World countries including America, Russia and China are in a race to conquer space. The world’s billionaires have also extended their competition into space by investing a fraction of their wealth. While the dream of space tourism and industry is getting closer to reality, now cinema is also touching space.

Russia has released the trailer of the film ‘The Challenge’, which was shot in space. In 2021, the scenes of the film were shot by spending 12 days on the International Space Station. The colossal space scene was shot by the Russian space agency Roscosmos, Russia’s Channel One and Yellow, Black and White Studios.

The scene involved a cardiac surgeon and a team of doctors heading to the space station to treat an unconscious cosmonaut. Instead of using CGI or other techniques, the scenes were actually shot on the space station.

Russian actress Yulia Perisild played the role of a cardiac surgeon leading the team. The patient is played by real-life astronaut Oleg Nowitzki. Russian cosmonauts Anton Shkaplerov and Yoter Dubrov also star in the film.

Watch the trailer…

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