First edition of “Safi Investor Day”: the emerging port city

As part of its mission to promote the Marrakech – Safi Region, the Marrakech – Safi Regional Investment Center, in partnership with the province of Safi, is organizing the first edition of the « Safi Investor Day »under the auspices of the Wilaya of Marrakech – Safi.

This major event sets itself the objective of highlighting the economic advantages, the ambitious sectoral strategies of the province and the industrial advantages of Safi, for the benefit of potential investors; local, national as well as international.

the 1time edition of « Safi Investor Day » is part of the dynamics of the CRI – MS in terms of the development of the province’s socio-economic fabric and the creation of real investment opportunities.

It is also an opportunity to ensure a profitable exchange between the various public and private economic players.

Ahead of Safi Investor Day, workshops are planned on May 19focusing on the current economic movement of the province of Safi, raising topics of debate presented as follows: the workshop ” Future ecosystem; valuation synergy and diversification will focus on the methods to be adopted to break down the value chain of ecosystems and to think about the best way to integrate small operators around existing industrial champions, and to enable VSEs to meet existing demand.

The workshop ” Territorial offer: land planning and mobility will aim to provide reliable and useful answers to the challenges related to land use planning and think about the future of the province in terms of quality of life, accessibility and mobility, and infrastructure.

The workshop ” Investment opportunities, project bank will be marked by the presentation of investment opportunities, where priority sectors will be identified and will constitute the provincial project bank, the essential tool for supporting and guiding investors towards strong value creation.

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the workshop ” Talents: Innovation and human capital » will allow to evoke the interesting emergences that the province of Safi has known in the digital sector, and to discuss the best means to develop the revealed potential, then to explore solutions which can favor this digital movement such as « The digital nomads » .

These workshops will result from a restitution that will be unveiled on May 25; day of Safi Investor Day, during which the opportunities for collaboration will be presented for the implementation of a roadmap capable of revitalizing the Safiot economic fabric.

Exceptional heritage, fruit of a thousand-year-old heritage, port city capital of sardines, leading energy and mineral centre, the province of Safi has all the assets to be put forward.

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