First Afro-Descendant President Appointed to Brussels French-Speaking Parliament: Kalvin Soiresse Njall

2023-07-14 20:00:36

The Ecolo federation council has appointed Kalvin Soiresse Njall as president of the Brussels French-speaking parliament, of which Magali Plovie currently holds the reins but who will soon join the Constitutional Court, the environmental party announced on Friday in a press release. Kalvin Soiresse Njall thus becomes the first Afro-descendant personality to accede to the presidency of a parliamentary assembly in Belgium.

Deputy in charge of education in the Parliament of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation as well as questions of equal opportunities and decolonization in the Brussels Parliament, Kalvin Soiresse Njall is also a municipal councilor in Ganshoren and former coordinator of the Collective memory colonial and fight once morest the discriminations. He has also served as a teacher and sports journalist during his career. During his tenure at the head of CoCof, the future president will wear “special attention“to youth.”We must open up our institutions even more, especially to young people, because an open parliament is oxygen for a living democracy. It is with these values ​​of participation and openness to associations and actors in the field, dear to Magali Plovie, that I will continue the work at the head of the CoCof.“, explains the ecologist born in Togo and arrived in Belgium in 2004.

Magalie Plovie, for her part, will swap her position as president of the CoCof next September for that of judge at the Constitutional Court. “Good news“for Ecolo, since”this appointment will bring parity within the judges of this independent body“. “By leaving for the Constitutional Court, Magali Plovie also leaves room for the Brussels parliament. It is Marie Borsu, currently municipal councilor in Ixelles, who will replace her.“, specify the French-speaking Greens.

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