Fireworks fan complains about conditions when selling firecrackers

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Von: Kai Hartwig

The firecracker ban is history. From December 29, fireworks for New Year’s Eve can be sold again. The start of sales is turbulent.

Munich – The year 2022 is slowly but surely coming to an end. With that, the last day of the year is approaching: New Year’s Eve. Traditionally, the old year is said goodbye on December 31st, and at midnight the new year is greeted with fireworks and cannons. Also supermarkets and discounters sell the crackers. at Aldi, Lidl, rewe, Edeka and the competition is fed up with fireworks again.

However, that wasn’t the case for quite a while: the past two New Year’s Eve nights had to do without fireworks. The sale of fireworks was banned in Germany in both 2020 and 2021. This was predominantly with the Corona-Pandemic connection, as crowds should be avoided. But that is over now.

The sale of firecrackers and rockets for New Year’s Eve started on Thursday – apparently there were chaotic scenes at Lidl. (Iconic image) © Annette Riedl/dpa

Firecracker ban ended: New Year’s Eve fireworks will be sold again in 2022 – but it will be expensive

Firecracker fans will finally get their money’s worth again in 2022 – but they also have to dig deep into their pockets for it. The prices for fireworks have risen significantly after the end of the ban on firecrackers. Also the Grocery shopping is now becoming significantly more expensive, as a Lidl customer recently found out painfully had to.

Fireworks prices are the subject of controversy on Twitter. A user published an excerpt from a Kaufland brochure, where a whole battery of fireworks was offered. For a whopping 139 euros. “Yeah, 139 euros for 80 seconds of fireworks. Can you do it. Or grocery shopping for a week,” the user commented on how reported.

Aldi also offers a not exactly cheap firecracker fun. The “Crown of Light” system fireworks display costs a whopping 119 euros for fireworks fans. However, in many places it is not only the question of costs that is evident. Even firecracker fans who have the necessary change don’t always have easy access to fireworks. In some discounter branches, there were apparently chaotic conditions.

Böller sale started in 2022: long queues in front of Lidl branches – customer complains of “pure chaos”

In Germany, fireworks can only be sold from December 29th to 31st. On Thursday the big firecracker sale started. At Lidl, according to customers, the rush was very large in some federal states. There you had to queue for a long time for fireworks and still sometimes got nothing. “Please make a reservation again next year, pure chaos, 7.20 a.m. everything gone. Saleswomen completely overwhelmed,” a Lidl customer from Hanover, the capital of Lower Saxony, described her experience on Facebook on Thursday morning.

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“A lot would have been easier with a reservation,” agreed a customer from Saxony on Lidl’s Facebook page: “In our Lidl, there was a really long crowd before opening time. In the other there was hardly anything left. In the third, thank God, we were lucky. We got everything thanks to the hard-working saleswomen, who refilled everything in record time.” At this point, however, it should be mentioned that one It was possible to reserve fireworks at Lidl before sales started – but only under one condition.

Fireworks fan: Lidl customer shows Böller shopping list for just under 200 euros

Also one Kaufland-Customer was not satisfied with the start of fireworks sale on Thursday (December 29th). “Poorly organized sale of fireworks in Kaufland today. Only start unpacking when you open it,” she said angrily on Kaufland’s Facebook page. The company responded to the complaint and asked for leniency. It justified possible delays with late deliveries. “The wave of illnesses,” said Kaufland, “unfortunately also caught drivers,” it said.

A Lidl customer apparently does not want to let the difficulties in buying fireworks spoil the New Year’s mood. He made an impressive firecracker shopping list, which he published on Twitter. The customer wants to buy 18 different fireworks from Lidl, the rockets and batteries cost a total of 196.32 euros according to their own calculations. It is not known if he got all the firecrackers on his shopping list.

A consumer recently had to solve a completely different problem at the discounter. the A Lidl customer lost a large deposit – but then a cashier raised her spirits with an unexpected question. (kh)

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