Fires in St. Petersburg: Employee Seriously Injured in Printing House Tragedy

2023-09-13 05:28:33

An employee of a printing house that burned down in St. Petersburg on the night of September 13 was taken to the hospital in serious condition. The fire was contained a long time ago, but the watering was not over yet.

The regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations reported the victim. The fire was contained two minutes before midnight the day before, and by the morning the fire was over. The printing house burned down completely; the fire covered 800 square meters.

Photo: Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for St. Petersburg

Photo: Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for St. Petersburg

Photo: Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for St. Petersburg

Photo: Prosecutor’s Office of St. Petersburg


The head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of St. Petersburg, Alexey Anikin, said that the premises of the Panse company burned down – there was production on the first floor, a warehouse on the second. Firefighters immediately after arriving at the scene were forced to lay hose lines – there was no water nearby, the nearest hydrants were 1.5 and 1.6 km away. Anikin added that despite the difficult operational situation, firefighters managed to prevent the fire from spreading to neighboring buildings.

Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for St. Petersburg

According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the victim was taken to the Research Institute named after. Dzhanelidze. The interrogators are waiting for the doctors to let him in to talk to him.

According to Fontanka, an employee of the printing house on the evening of September 12 was wiping one of the machines with some kind of flammable liquid. The machine caught fire from a spark, and so did the worker. He has burns on 20% of his body and a thermal inhalation injury to the larynx. In addition, the 40-year-old man suffered a bruise to his eyebrow.

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