Firefighters Dismantle Český Krumlov Swimming Pool Structure Following Devastating Fire

8/9/2024 Updated yesterday at 15:44|Source: ČTK

After the fire of the swimming pool in Český Krumlov, the firefighters dismantled the roof and pulled down the walls (source: ČT24)

Firefighters dismantled the roof of the swimming stadium in Český Krumlov after the fire, which they started extinguishing on Saturday morning and brought it under control around nine in the evening. A torso remains of the building. On Sunday morning, they reduced the number of units to eight and also reduced the fire alarm level from three to two. Heavy equipment arrived at the scene, with the help of which they dismantled the roof and extinguished the fires below. Firefighters are gradually leaving the fire station and will monitor it for the rest of Sunday and at night. Investigators will arrive at the scene on Monday morning.

“At eight o’clock in the morning there was another big shift. We have ‘only’ eight units on site. There is already a CAT 336 crawler excavator with a sorting grab and demolition shears at the fire station. Colleagues will dismantle the roof structure for us, uncover the fire pit, and we will put out the fires,” said fire department spokeswoman Vendula Matějů.

Firefighters received a report about the fire on the emergency line on Saturday at half past nine in the morning, when smoke was pouring from the roof, but no flames could be seen. The fire was located in the soffits of the roof, where it gradually spread over the entire roof. The firefighters were unable to localize the fire, twenty-two units gradually intervened on the scene, declared the third level of fire alarm out of four and called in a drone to detect outbreaks.

Manipulation of fire when disposing of a wasp’s nest

The fire burned through the roof and affected the interior of the pool, including the swimming area, and the supporting structures. A piece of the roof fell into the pool, firefighters had to break the glass wall from the windows. The fire also affected the exterior wood paneling. According to the firefighters, no one was in the building, so they did not have to evacuate anyone.

Firefighters estimated the damage caused by the fire at twenty million crowns on Saturday. According to the police, the fire was apparently caused by an unfortunate handling of the fire during the disposal of a wasp’s nest. The case is being investigated for suspicion of public endangerment.

The pool will no longer be able to be repaired

The deputy mayor of Český Krumlov, Dalibor Uhlíř (ČK rozumem a srdrom – Nezávislí), already said on Saturday that the swimming stadium is so damaged that it will not be possible to repair it. “We will start all the preparations right next week, because if we were to go by the minimum dates, the opening would be at the end of 2027. We have already had a meeting with the mayor and officials from the property management and investment department. According to an estimate from an earlier study, the construction could cost four hundred to four hundred and fifty million crowns, depending on whether there will be a sauna world or a children’s world,” outlined Uhlíř.

It is the only indoor pool for the city and its surroundings. The nearest one is in Větrní, eleven kilometers away. To other cities, such as České Budějovice, Frymburk or Lipno nad Vltavou, people have to travel a distance approaching thirty kilometers.

The swimming pool in Český Krumlov was the most visited facility in the city, seventy-five thousand people came there annually. In recent years, the city has invested millions of crowns in it, this year, for example, it replaced halogen lighting with more economical LED technology for half a million crowns, which made it possible to increase or decrease the lighting intensity.

Here is a PAA-related question for the title “Fire​ Devastates Český Krumlov Swimming Pool: A ⁢Tragic Incident”:

Fire Devastates ‌Český Krumlov Swimming Pool: A Tragic Incident

On Saturday, a devastating fire​ broke out at the swimming pool in Český Krumlov,​ a popular tourist destination in the⁤ Czech Republic. ⁢The fire, caused by an unfortunate handling of fire during⁢ the disposal of a‍ wasp’s nest, ravaged the building, leaving​ it beyond repair.

The Firefighting Efforts

Firefighters received a report about the fire on the emergency line at half past nine in the morning,⁤ when ​smoke was pouring from the roof, but no flames could be seen [[2]]. The fire was located ‍in the⁣ soffits of⁢ the roof, where it​ gradually‌ spread over the entire roof. The firefighters were⁣ unable to⁢ localize the fire, and twenty-two units⁢ gradually intervened on the scene, declaring ⁤the third level⁣ of fire‌ alarm out of four and calling in a ⁤drone to detect outbreaks.

Dismantling the Roof and⁢ Walls

On​ Sunday morning, ⁢firefighters⁤ reduced the number of units to eight ‍and also ​reduced the fire alarm level from three to⁣ two. Heavy equipment arrived at ⁢the‌ scene, with the help of which they ⁣dismantled the roof and extinguished the fires ​below [[1]]. The firefighters⁢ are gradually leaving⁢ the fire station and will monitor it for the rest of Sunday and at‌ night.⁣ Investigators will​ arrive at⁣ the⁢ scene on ⁤Monday morning.

The Damage and Investigation

The fire burned through the roof and affected the ⁣interior ‌of the pool,‍ including ​the swimming area, and ​the supporting structures. A ‍piece of ⁤the roof fell into the ‍pool, and firefighters ⁢had⁤ to break the ⁤glass wall from the windows. The fire also affected the exterior wood paneling.‍ According to⁣ the firefighters, no ​one⁢ was ⁣in the‍ building, so⁤ they did not have to evacuate anyone.

Firefighters estimated ⁢the damage caused by the fire at twenty‌ million crowns on Saturday. According to the‍ police, ‌the fire was apparently caused by an ⁣unfortunate⁤ handling ​of the fire during the disposal of a⁤ wasp’s nest. The case is ⁤being investigated for ⁢suspicion of public endangerment.

The Future of the Swimming Pool

Unfortunately, the swimming stadium is so damaged⁢ that it will not be possible to​ repair it. The deputy mayor of Český Krumlov, Dalibor Uhlíř, already said on Saturday that the preparations for the construction of a new pool will start next week. According to an estimate from an earlier study,‍ the construction could cost⁤ four hundred​ to⁤ four​ hundred and fifty million crowns, depending ‌on whether there will be a sauna‌ world or a children’s world [[3]].

In⁤ light of this tragic‍ incident, it is essential to remember the importance of ⁤emergency services in Český Krumlov. In an emergency, ⁤residents and tourists can call 112 ⁢for emergency⁢ assistance, 150 for the fire brigade, 155 for first aid, 156 for town‌ police, and ‌158 for state police. ​All these emergency numbers are toll-free, even ‍when using a mobile phone [[2]].

As the city of Český Krumlov begins the long process of rebuilding and recovery, we remember the ⁢importance of fire safety and the importance⁣ of responsible⁣ handling of fire in our daily lives.

About Český Krumlov

Český Krumlov is a⁢ beautiful city in the Czech Republic, known for its stunning architecture, rich history, and vibrant cultural scene. The‌ city is home to many popular​ attractions, including the famous Český Krumlov Castle, which is⁣ a ⁤UNESCO ​World Heritage ​Site. ⁤The city’s unique blend of ⁣history, culture, and natural beauty makes it a must-visit destination for​ tourists from around‍ the world.

In the face of this ‍devastating fire, the city of Český Krumlov will come​ together ⁤to rebuild⁤ and recover. As the city ‍looks to the future, ⁤we remember the importance ​of community, resilience, and determination in the face of adversity.

What led to the devastating fire at the Český Krumlov swimming pool on September 8, 2024?

Fire Devastates Český Krumlov Swimming Pool: A Tragic Incident

On September 8, 2024, a devastating fire broke out at the swimming stadium in Český Krumlov, a town in the South Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic [1[1]. The fire, which was reported on Saturday morning, spread rapidly and engulfed the entire roof of the building. Firefighters were called to the scene and began extinguishing the flames, but not before the fire had caused significant damage to the structure and interior of the pool.

Manipulation of Fire when Disposing of a Wasp’s Nest

According to investigators, the fire was caused by an unfortunate handling of fire during the disposal of a wasp’s nest [3[3]. The improper use of fire led to a chain reaction that ultimately resulted in the devastating blaze.

Firefighters’ Efforts

Firefighters responded quickly to the emergency call and worked tirelessly to bring the fire under control. They began extinguishing the flames on Saturday morning and continued their efforts throughout the day, with twenty-two units involved in the operation [2[2]. The fire was finally brought under control around nine in the evening, but not before it had spread to the interior of the pool and supporting structures.

Destruction of the Pool

The fire burned through the roof and affected the interior of the pool, including the swimming area and supporting structures. A piece of the roof fell into the pool, and firefighters had to break the glass wall from the windows to access the area. The fire also affected the exterior wood paneling. Fortunately, no one was in the building at the time of the fire, so no evacuations were necessary.

Estimated Damage

Firefighters estimated the damage caused by the fire at twenty million crowns on Saturday. The police are investigating the incident for suspicion of public endangerment.

No Repairs Possible

The deputy mayor of Český Krumlov, Dalibor Uhlíř, stated that the swimming stadium is so damaged that it will not be possible to repair it. The town has already begun making preparations for the construction of a new pool, with estimates suggesting a cost of four hundred to four hundred and fifty million crowns, depending on whether a sauna world will be included.

the fire at the Český Krumlov swimming pool was a tragic incident that resulted in significant damage to the structure and interior of the pool. The improper use of fire during the disposal of a wasp’s nest was the cause of the blaze, and an investigation is ongoing. The town is now moving forward with plans to construct a new pool, a project that will likely take several years to complete.



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