Fire in the yard of a fertilizer factory, a tank with nitric acid is on fire: Message 112 to Neoktista Aspropyrgos

A fire has broken out in the courtyard of a fertilizer factory on Agios Ioannis Stefanis street, in Neoktista Aspropyrgos Attica. A tank of nitric acid burns.

25 firefighters with 8 vehicles, the Special Chemical Group of the 1st EMAK and 1 E/P were mobilized. Subscription by local water bodies.

A while ago, a 112 message was also sent to the residents of the area, in Neoktista Aspropyrgou.

As the Traffic Authority informs, due to the fire, traffic diversions are being carried out on Panagia Faneromeni Street from Demokratias Street and on Panagia Prousiotissa Street from Agios Ioannis Stefanis Street.

#Fire #yard #fertilizer #factory #tank #nitric #acid #fire #Message #Neoktista #Aspropyrgos



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