Fire in Natagaima was liquidated after 19 days of intense work

Agencies will check the heat sources to avoid new conflagrations.

The Secretary of Environment and Risk Management, Ericka Marcela Lozano, highlighted the joint effort of relief agencies such as Civil Defense, Firefighters, Red Cross, National Police, the UNGRD National Risk Management Unit, the Colombian Air Force, the National Army, National Police and the community of Natagaima; who made it possible to control the flames.

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Without you, this would not have been possible.“, expressed Ericka Lozano in gratitude to the entities that participated in the emergency. Although the fire has been controlled, constant monitoring of the area will continue this weekend.with the objective of closing the Unified Command Post (PMU) on September 30.

In addition, secretary Ericka Lozano reported that, currently, The department does not record any active fires in its Monitoring Room; but he called on the community not to let their guard down. “It is important to remember that controlled burning is completely prohibited.“said Lozano, highlighting the need to continue taking precautions to avoid new incidents.

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Secretary Ericka Marcela Lozano also stressed the importance of maintaining surveillance throughout the department to prevent future emergencies. He insisted that Community commitment is essential to prevent the occurrence of new fires and highlighted that citizen participation is key to protecting the environment and guaranteeing the safety of all Tolimenses.



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