Fire at La Porte d’Ulysse: Fedasil could free up 30 places

The rehousing of the 200 people evacuated on Friday evening is at the center of the concerns of the Schaerbeek authorities after the fire at the reception center “La Porte d’Ulysse”. A crisis meeting was held this Saturday with the acting mayor of Schaerbeek, Cécile Jodogne.

For the moment, our attention is focused on the emergency relocation of the 200 people in the best possible conditions. The next emergency is their relocation to suitable places.“, specified the mayor. The two hundred evacuees spent the night at the communal gymnasium of the Crossing.

The center mainly accommodated homeless people, migrants and asylum seekers“, said this Saturday Mehdi Kassou, the spokesperson for the citizen platform for refugees.

We are in a context where the number of places is already largely insufficient. We are obviously counting today on the collaboration of the municipality to manage the first phase of the crisis, the collaboration of the Region to find slightly more lasting solutions. But we are also already in discussion with Fedasil so that it can take asylum seekers back into our systems and free up places so that we can work on the emergency“.

According to our information, Fedasil could release 30 places in its network. The search for places continues. In the meantime, those evacuated on Friday evening will still be sleeping at the Crossing next night.

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