2023-06-04 11:13:57
Camping cars, which were very popular during the corona era, are now becoming a complex where it is difficult to find a place to park.
In the outing season like these days, there are also rampant acts of modesty monopolizing campers by parking campers in free parking spaces in parks where many people gather for a long time.
Motorhome owners complain regarding the lack of dedicated parking spaces.
Reporter Danbi Kim covered the scene.
Motorhomes and caravans are parked in rows in the parking lot of the park.
I even put a lock on the wheel to prevent it from being towed.
Many cars do not have a phone number where you can be reached.
Another public parking lot nearby.
Weeds grew thickly under one camper.
Haven’t moved in a while.
This is a free parking lot that anyone can use where campers are parked for a long time.
Motorhome owners complain that there is not enough space to park.
[캠핑카 소유자]
″There is nowhere to put the camper. I can’t even get into the apartment.”
As the number of camping cars increases following Corona 19, the need for a dedicated parking lot is emphasized, but
[캠핑카 소유자]
″It’s not just regarding cracking down on each region. In each area, we secure a parking lot where you can (park) your camper… ″
In a situation where general parking spaces are also insufficient, there is also a controversy over equity and preferential treatment, whether it is right to inject a separate tax for a minority.
It has become a daily complaint for residents.
″I hope not, from an aesthetic point of view… These are all campers… ″
Local governments are also suffering from headaches.
According to the relevant law revision in 2020, campers must also register a garage, but campers registered before the revision are not applicable.
There are no penalties for parking in places other than garages, and it is difficult for local governments to crack down on long-term parking individually.
[여수시 관계자]
″We go out to the site and put up a notice. There are many related parking lots, so it’s hard to check each one first… ″
The number of camper registrations nationwide has soared from 4,000 in 2014 to 30,000 in 2021.
This is MBC News Kim Dan-bi.
Video coverage: Park Chan-ho / Yeosu
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