Finding Relief from Mental Burnout: Practical Tips and Tools for Cultivating Well-Being and Serenity

2023-11-19 10:27:47

«Every time I try to relax, all the pending tasks come to mind. “I get so overwhelmed that I prefer to get up and continue doing things.” Have you ever experienced this feeling of wanting to rest but feeling like your mind won’t let you? Marta told it like this in our sessions without knowing that, after wanting to relieve her mental load, she was accumulating even more wear and tear.

What is mental burnout?

Mental exhaustion is caused by an excessive load of thoughts that, imperceptibly, accumulate so much tension that they exhaust and wear us down. When we are not used to letting our mind rest, let go and stop engaging with the continuous flow of thoughts, it continues in an inexhaustible control of tasks. That is when we remain continually worried, active in multitasking, overthinking and wanting to encompass everything that appears in our mental imagination. We load ourselves to such a point that, far from increasing our effectiveness, we accumulate fatigue that dulls our attention and concentration. An invisible tension that detracts from us, not only efficiency, but health and well-being.

Can mental exhaustion be relieved?

It is important to keep in mind that our mind can be trained, it is plastic and we can continue to shape it. As Marta told us at the beginning of the article, we are capable of increasing our mental overwhelm by paying attention to all the flow of thoughts we generate. But we also have to know that we are capable of getting out of them. We can redirect our attention to the present moment, so that our mind can rest and return to calm. Regulate yourself.

We need to train the control of our attention, make it conscious and redirect it to the situation or task we want. Otherwise, we leave it adrift from what the mental content brings us in its continuous flow and, most likely, it will immerse you in some afflictive state, in a marathon of worries that unintentionally increases suffering.

This is how meditation helps

Can meditation help me feel more refreshed and calm? With meditation we train our mind in states of calm. A state from which we cultivate virtuous states that lead us to greater well-being. Feeling like you can direct your life toward the way you really want to live it is possible if you manage to establish a meditation habit. A daily training dynamic that allows you to relate to yourself in a different way. Realizing how your mind, your body, your emotions and thoughts are doing will allow you to better choose how to relate to them. It will allow you to differentiate which behaviors will lead to mental overload and burnout and which will help you spend your time with the quality and serenity you desire.

You can learn to train your mind with the meditation program that I share with you in the book ‘The healing power of silence’ (Grijalbo, 2023)where I share resources and tools that you can put into practice in your daily life, understanding how you can relieve your suffering and transform your life by cultivating virtue and well-being. Additionally, each week, I will share a guided meditation and reflections on psychology and mental training where we can continue sharing the path of greater self-knowledge and inner development.

We meet! Happy journey!

Are you interested in knowing…

The psychologist Belén Colomina invites us, using tools extracted from her book ‘The healing power of silence’, to train the mind for a full and meaningful life.

You can find her every Sunday in her guided meditations and articles on ABC Bienestar.

#defeat #invisible #enemy

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