Finding relatives for a stroke patient in the middle of the night

A man collapsed in the middle of the night of December 23 at An Dong market (district 5, HCMC). Although he was saved by doctors, he completely lost his language, did not know his name and relatives.

On January 18, Associate Professor, Doctor, Doctor Nguyen Huy Thang, Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City Stroke Association, Head of the Department of Cerebrovascular Diseases, 115 People’s Hospital, said that finding relatives for the patient This is still no progress.

According to Dr. Thang, around 20:00 on January 15 (December 23), a woman (who works as a trader) discovered a man staggered and then fell to the ground at An Dong market (District 5, TP. .HCM).

Thinking this person was drunk, the woman did not ask, finished packing and left. The next morning, she still saw the man lying in the same place but was in a coma. She rushed the patient to 115 People’s Hospital, provided information and left.

The patient’s condition at the time of admission recorded the patient’s coma, poor response, complete paralysis of the right half of the body, no identification or purse/wallet. Doctors diagnosed the patient with acute left hemisphere cerebral infarction, estimated regarding 16 hours following onset, completely occluded internal carotid artery and middle cerebral artery. The patient was indicated for revascularization to remove the thrombus.

The man who had a stroke on the evening of the 23rd New Year was being treated at People’s Hospital 115. Photo: Provided by the doctor.

“However, the patient castrated money and lacked a commitment to consent to the treatment because there was no relative nearby. This situation is quite common but very difficult to make a decision. Fortunately, we have friends who are always ready to help unfortunate circumstances,” shared Dr.

According to this expert, the cost of treatment is always a big problem, especially for expensive techniques such as thrombectomy with instruments. Not having a loved one agree to sign the pledge can be a big deal if treatment fails. Sometimes, family members show up to question the doctor back.

Under a lot of pressure, Dr. Thang still decided to treat the patient as indicated, not abandoning the patient. After more than an hour, the interventional doctor removed the entire thrombus, completely recanalized the carotid artery and the middle cerebral artery. After one day, the patient was awake but completely aphasia.

“The next thing is to find family members, perhaps they are eagerly waiting for their loved ones to come back to celebrate Tet. I put a picture of my face clearly, hoping someone recognizes it so I can help him go home,” said Dr.

Linh Giao



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