Finding Peace in the Midst of Turmoil: Christmas 2023 Reflections by Fr. CMI in Joseph Field

2023-12-25 04:33:42

Fr. CMI in Joseph field
(Chairman, Shalom TV)

Christmas 2023 has many special features. Put all these characteristics together and say: This is a Christmas in the midst of turmoil. There are many reasons for this unrest.
Many are personally in turmoil. There are many reasons for that. Examples are bad social environment, disturbed family environment, financial problems, work problems, marital problems, problems related to children or parents, self-inflicted problems, disasters caused by others, diseases etc. Such problems make people lose their composure.

Religious issues are another set of reasons that bring unrest. An example is the collapse of one’s own spiritual life. A person with good faith in God, someone with normal faith in God, someone with no faith in God, and someone who has lost faith in God may experience different levels of anxiety. A person of good faith will not waver even in the face of problems. Others will be more staggered; Will experience more unrest.

Another religious problem brought regarding by the unrest is injustices and fights in the name of religion. There is unrest between religions. There is unrest within the same religion. There is a situation in the Syro-Malabar Church that causes great disturbance in the minds of the believers.
In the midst of such disturbances, how can one celebrate the Christmas of peace and tranquility with soul and joy of mind. Many may have the taste of leading a war; But many will lose the peace that God gives.
Another thing that brings unrest is economic crises. Many financial problems such as huge debts, unfulfilled debts, lack of income to meet daily expenses, lack of money for children’s education and marriage, lack of employment, loss of employment, very low income, diseases and medical needs, etc.

Another cause of unrest is the current political situation. There are many things that disturb people, be it the state or the country. The spirit of fellowship, unity and love that existed between men has diminished. It seems that diversity is more important than unity.
Even if we look at international affairs, unrest continues in many places. The Russia-Ukraine war is a conflict. The country where Christ was born is in war, suffering, threat, loss of life, fear and unrest. Israel is at loggerheads with many of its neighbors.

The pain that wars cause to people is extreme. Money that should be spent on human welfare is used for war. The pollution caused by war is terrible. There are heavy penalties in many countries for waste on the road or in public. It is necessary. Then many learn waste management and civics. At the same time, the pollution caused by constant gunfire, bombs, burning of vehicles, demolition of buildings etc. is terrible.
The unrest caused by criminals in the country and in the world is huge. Violence, extortion, theft, murders, drug trade, arms smuggling, money laundering, counterfeiting and other hundreds of thousands of programs.

This year’s Christmas is at a time when individuals, families, the country and the world are experiencing unrest in various ways. It was perhaps the first time that the very land of Christ’s birth had gone through the threat of war and great suffering at Christmas.
Saint Paul said in Romans chapter 2: Professing to be wise, they became fools. Such is the case with many today. The reason for the unhappiness of many is the folly they or others have shown and continue to show.
When Jesus was born the angels sang: Praise to God in the highest; Peace be upon those who have received God’s grace on earth. God is pleased with those who live glorifying God while on earth; They will have peace.

So there is a connection between the glory men give to God and the peace they experience. The further away men are from God, the more mistakes they make; The more mistakes are made, the less glory is due to God. The less the glory given to God, the more unrest will increase.

We can’t solve the problems that cause the world’s disharmony. But we can pray. We can stick with Jesus personally. Then God will give us peace, tranquility and hope even in the midst of trouble.
May 2024 be better for us and the world than 2023; praying Let us pray believing that the God who makes all things possible can renew the world. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and prayers to all readers!

#Christmas #midst #turmoil #sundayshalom



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