Finding Opportunities in Volatile Markets: Carmignac’s Insights on Equities, Defensive Sectors, Healthcare, Technology, and Gold

2023-06-27 15:01:00

(AOF) – Carmignac expects equity markets to stay on a crest line in the second half of the year, as long as the economy slows without collapsing and the pace of disinflation continues, restraining interest rates. long-term interest. Kevin Thozet, a member of the asset manager’s investment committee, explains that lower volatility, due to its correlation component, tends to be particularly favorable for stock picking.

The economic slowdown encourages him to favor stocks and defensive sectors.

Carmignac more specifically sees opportunities in several sectors, including healthcare, which combines short-term resilience and long-term growth prospects. The asset manager also cites technology. “Advances in Artificial Intelligence and the shift towards cost control reinforce the attractiveness of the sector which tends to perform well in a context of falling long-term interest rates and economic slowdown”, explains T. -he.

Carmignac also refers to gold. “The emergence of a multi-polar world and the risk of fiscal dominance are all long-term positives for gold, a potentially attractive asset in times of geopolitical uncertainty and rising recessionary concerns,” he said. he observe.

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