Finding Light Amidst the Shadows: Šárka Volemanová’s Journey Through Illness

Medicine has always fascinated her. Even more so when she had direct experience with the disease that took her husband. “But I’m not doing the Moci without illness show just to remember him. It is also a thank you to the doctors and a warning to everyone that prevention pays off,” appeals moderator Šárka Volemanová. How does he remember the difficult period? Why did hope never leave her? Will she be able to surprise her in her work as a presenter? And how far along is he with writing his new book?

“I met my husband as an oncology patient. He had a very unusual oncological disease, which no one really knew how to deal with. That’s when I understood that the most difficult thing is to find the right doctor, treatment options and hope for life,” recalls Šárka Volemanová, author of the radio program Moci bez nemoči, which focuses on news in treatment, about the turning point.

You can’t do it without hope

Over time, her husband’s illness brought her to the Institute of Oncology, for which she subsequently worked as the head of the PR department and press spokesperson. “For four years, I completely left the presenting profession. But I never regretted it. I met people there who, regardless of anything, always helped with the same intensity. Like Mr. Prime Minister Vydra. That’s when my interest in medicine grew even more,” says the presenter, whose discussion show Áčko on Nova TV became a legend.

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“People associated my face with the show a lot back then. And since it was a program where people went to tell their stories, they wanted to share them with me at the Institute of Oncology. It was very difficult because I used to go to work there and it happened that I didn’t see some of them in the morning because they died in the palliative care unit. And then I came home in the evening, where I had my troubles. My husband’s cancer has returned six times in ten years. That’s why I had to end there. The sadness was too much for me.’

Nevertheless, with hindsight, he agrees that oncology is actually a very optimistic field. “It is one of the most developing fields. There is the most news and the most options, which gives people a lot of hope. Life would not be possible without it, and that is why it is important that we do not take hope away from people, because then hopelessness comes. Fortunately, we have an incredible number of doctors in the Czech Republic who know how to give hope…,” added Šárka Volemanová for Close Encounters.

Title: From Personal Tragedy to Medical Advocacy: Šárka Volemanová’s Powerful Journey

Meta Description: Discover how Šárka Volemanová’s personal experience with illness and loss transformed‌ her into a passionate⁢ advocate for medicine and health awareness.

Header Tags:

H1: From Personal⁢ Tragedy ‌to Medical ⁣Advocacy: Šárka Volemanová’s Powerful Journey

H2: You Can’t Do It Without Hope

* H2: Read Also


Šárka Volemanová, ​a⁢ renowned ⁤Czech moderator, has always been fascinated by medicine. However, it was her personal experience with the disease that took her husband’s life that ignited a deeper⁢ passion within her. ⁣Her journey is a testament to the power of hope, resilience, and the ‌importance of⁢ medical awareness.

The Turning Point

Šárka’s life ‍took a drastic turn when ‍her husband was‌ diagnosed with a rare oncological disease. The struggle to find the right doctor, treatment‍ options, and hope for life became⁤ an uphill battle. “I met‌ my husband as an oncology patient. He had a ​very unusual oncological disease, ‌which no one really ​knew how to deal with. That’s when I understood that the most‌ difficult thing is to find the right doctor, treatment options and hope for life,” she recalls.

Finding⁤ Hope in the Darkest Times

Šárka’s experience with⁤ her husband’s illness led her to the Institute of Oncology, where she worked ​as the head of the PR department and press spokesperson for four years. Despite the challenges,​ she never lost hope. “For four years, I completely left the presenting profession. But I never regretted it. I met people ‌there who, regardless of anything, always helped with the same ⁤intensity. Like Mr. Prime Minister Vydra. That’s ​when my interest in medicine grew even more,” she says.

A⁣ New Chapter in Advocacy

Šárka’s passion for medicine and health awareness led ‌her to create the radio program “Moci bez nemoči” (Powers Without Weakness), which focuses on news in treatment. The program is not just a tribute to her late husband but⁤ also a thank you to the doctors who helped her during that difficult period. “I’m not doing ‍the Moci without illness show just to remember him. It is also a thank you to the doctors‌ and a warning to​ everyone that prevention pays off,” she appeals.

Overcoming Adversity

Šárka’s journey is a shining‍ example of resilience and determination. Despite facing‌ unimaginable ‍challenges, she never lost hope. Her experience ⁣at the Institute of Oncology, ⁤where she saw patients sharing their stories,⁢ further solidified her resolve to spread awareness⁤ about medical advancements and the importance of early detection.

A New Chapter in Writing

Šárka ‌is currently working on‌ a​ new book, which promises to be an inspiring and emotional⁤ journey. Although she is tight-lipped about the details, her passion for ⁣storytelling and medical advocacy are​ sure to shine through.


Šárka‌ Volemanová’s powerful ‌journey is a ‌testament to the transformative power of hope, resilience, and determination. Her advocacy ‌for medicine and health awareness is an inspiration to us all. As ‌she continues ​to ​spread awareness‍ and share her story, ⁤we can’t help but ⁤be moved by ⁣her courage⁢ and dedication.

Keywords: Šárka Volemanová, medical advocacy, oncology, hope, resilience, determination,⁣ Moci bez‌ nemoči, radio program,‍ book, medicine, health awareness.



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