Visual puzzles usually require a high level of concentration and attention, in the end as their main purpose is to stimulate the brain of the participants to keep them energetic and active for the rest of the day.
To achieve positive results in a puzzle of any level, you must put all your mental energy and effort into achieving the best results and positioning yourself as one of the best players.
Take a look at the following image created by the team at Genial Guru which hides the word “ANT” your mission will be to find her, you must not fail because for this challenge you have very few seconds on the clock if you think you are ready to compete in this fun visual puzzle then start now.
Before knowing the location of the word in the alphabet soup, learn fantastic curiosities regarding ants.
- They can stay up to 14 days underwater.
- They are capable of carrying between 10 and 50 times their own weight.
- The largest anthill was more than 3,700 miles wide.
- Worker ants live from 1 to 2 years while the life expectancy of the queen is 10 years.
- They are one of the most organized insects that exist on planet Earth. This organizational capacity is known as eusociality, that is, “true society”.
- Antarctica and the arctic are the only places where you won’t be able to find ants.
- The bullet ant has the most painful sting in the world, compared to that of a bullet.
If you want to improve your cognitive skills such as attention, reasoning, analysis, observation, concentration and critical thinking, you can choose from various riddles determined on some topic, you can access mathematical, logical, linguistic or visual puzzles.
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