Find out how many kilos you can lose by walking for an hour a day

2024-10-27 19:57:00

If you still want to get that goal of losing a few pounds in 2024 off the ground, know that there is time and that walking can be a good ally in this process. Exercise is low impact, accessible to most people and contributes to the weight loss process.

Walking is useful as a cardio exercise, especially when done at moderate or high intensities. Furthermore, if repeated consistently, it contributes to the functioning of the cardiovascular system, helps control blood pressure and improves mood.

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In an interview prior to Metropolisesprofessor Thiago dos Santos Rosa, researcher in the postgraduate program in Physical Education at the Catholic University of Brasília, highlights that walking can be practiced even if the person is not in 100% of their physical condition.

“It is a low-impact activity, ideal for people with joint problems, the elderly or those new to exercise programs. Walking causes less stress on the knee, hip and ankle joints, reducing the risk of injury,” explained Thiago.

When do the effects of walking start to take effect?

Physical education professor Andrea Reis, who teaches at the Catholic University of Brasília, points out that walking reduces the risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension. Furthermore, the benefits for the body begin to be noticed quickly.

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“Studies indicate that after 30 minutes of moderate walking, the body begins to release endorphins, which improve mood. With two weeks of regular walking, it is possible to see improvements in cardiovascular health and physical conditioning”, says Andrea.

Physical exercise reduces the risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension. Furthermore, the benefits for the body begin to be noticed quickly.

How to use walking to lose weight

According to the professor at the Catholic University, the ideal duration of the walk varies depending on individual objectives. Thinking about the health benefits, we recommend at least 150 minutes of activity, which is equivalent to 30 minutes a day, five times a week. For weight loss, it is recommended to increase this time to 45-60 minutes daily.

Professor Fábio Tenório, from the Catholic University of Brasília, explains that doing an hour of walking daily increases caloric expenditure by 300 or 400 calories, while maintaining this pace it is possible to lose up to half a kilo per week. The diet, however, needs to be balanced. That is, the individual cannot start eating freely or reward themselves with more food for exercising.

“Walking promotes caloric expenditure, but what will determine weight loss is the relationship between the volume and intensity of the walk, combined with the eating plan”, said professor Fábio Tenório, coordinator of the Physical Education course at the Catholic University of Brasília, in a previous interview with Metrópoles

In addition to diet, other essential habits for weight loss include: quality sleep, stress management, and controlling emotions.

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