“Financing Investment and Trade in Africa 2023”: The need for an integrated and multi-stakeholder strategy

2023-09-21 09:42:28

The kickoff of the 6e edition of the international conference “Financing Investment and Trade in Africa” (Fita 2023) was given yesterday in Tunis with the theme “Africa facing the global crisis and the role of the private sector in achieving permanent economic transformation and massive.

At the initiative of the Tunisian-African Business Council “Tunisia Africa Business Council-Tabc”, the kickoff of the 6e edition of the international conference “Financing Investment and Trade in Africa” (Fita 2023) was given yesterday in Tunis, in the presence of the Minister of Finance, Sihem Boughdiri Nemsia.

Held this year under the theme “Africa facing the global crisis and the role of the private sector in achieving permanent and massive economic transformation”, this new edition welcomes, for two days, September 20 and 21, more of 3,000 participants, including more than 770 business leaders from 60 countries.

An extremely difficult year

At the opening of this unprecedented meeting, the president of Tabc, Anis Jaziri, indicated that 2023 was an exceptional and extremely difficult year for the whole world, especially with the Russian-Ukrainian conflict which is dragging on and which has very negative impacts on the African continent.

“It is also a difficult year for Africa with the major political upheavals that we are seeing in Niger, Gabon, Sudan… But 2023 is also a difficult year for Tunisia, Tunisians and the sub-Saharans who live with us, especially following this denigration campaign of which Tunisia has been the victim and this problem of illegal immigration which continues to grow on a continental scale… On the other hand, despite this exceptional situation, we We have succeeded in meeting this major challenge thanks to our partners in Africa and around the world who still believe in Tunisia.he stressed.

In this same context, Anis Jaziri addressed four key messages to those present and to African political decision-makers. First of all, we must give hope to 10 million young unemployed Africans, whose sole objective is to reach Europe at the risk of their lives. The second message is addressed to the great powers of this world; it is time to look at the African continent with more humanity, more fairness, more sharing and less selfishness. As for the third message, it is addressed to African leaders so that they can listen to these evolving youth, in search of a better future, stable employment and a dignified life. Finally, but no less important, Anis Jaziri addressed the African youth to tell them: “Believe in yourself, create, innovate, undertake and above all stay in Africa for its development and to contribute to the growth of this magnificent continent.”

Tunisia, gateway to Africa

Then speaking, the Minister of Finance, Sihem Boughdiri Nemsia, affirmed that Tunisia is a country which has always been committed to preserving the interest of the continent, by taking care of African land and by uniting with its peoples with in hand the desire for the unity of life, solidarity and cooperation.

“It is more than ever time to work today on an integrated and multi-stakeholder strategy, effective and sustained to achieve concrete progress. This will only be possible thanks to solid and strong partners who make it possible to consolidate and improve the political, financial and economic conditions of the continent. With this in mind, Tunisia is building a complete strategy with the rest of Africa, with which we have resources, cultural and historical traditions that are certainly different, but which are complementary and which can mix at all levels. »she stressed.

In the same vein, the minister added that Tunisia is the door to the African space and that an effective strategic plan makes it possible to approach it even closer to this continent to be able to take advantage of the investment opportunities available in Africa, considered the second largest continent in the world in terms of space and population.

“In recent years, Tunisia has contributed to the strengthening of relations with African countries, their organizations, their associations, etc., in addition to strengthening collaborations with the various active parties both at the regional and international level. In this sense, we must not forget the efforts that are being deployed within the framework of Agenda 2063, the blueprint and the master plan for Africa aimed at transforming this continent into a world power for the future. Through this strategic plan, we aim to achieve the objective of inclusive and sustainable development of the continent. However, the establishment of this framework requires an additional effort to promote the economy and business, by improving commercial initiatives and investing in both directions, while supporting financial support for the interest of the public and private sector of African countries. A means to help them carry out efficient and profitable projects in different areas”she explained.

To conclude, Nemsia affirmed that the economy and investment are fundamental elements for the proximity of nations. They are also means of financing and development to create new economic opportunities.

As a reminder, in addition to the presence of a large number of ministers from several countries, no less than 80 speakers from different continents and African and international donors (African Development Bank, Africa Zanzibar, Africa Finance Corporation, World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development…) are attending this meeting which aims to strengthen Tunisia’s positioning as a portal to Africa and to highlight Pan-African complementarity as well as South-South cooperation in the service of continental development.

#Financing #Investment #Trade #Africa #integrated #multistakeholder #strategy



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