Financial expert advises on how to spend Tet reasonably

Every Tet holiday is a story Tet spending How to make it reasonable to be discussed by sisters. In fact, how much to spend Tet, how to spend Tet depends on how much money you have to spend spend Tet As well as what are your major expenses for Tet?

Contact personal finance expert Le Phuong Thanh, currently a financial education specialist. She has received the US CFEI® certification. Prior to that, he had 10 years of experience in the banking sector. Phuong Thanh will give some useful tips for women to help them spend Tet holiday reasonably, economically and still comfortably.

“Tet spending is a story that doesn’t belong to anyone, but each person has different circumstances and spending levels. For example, my spending is a married person, has two small children but is not the eldest son-in-law, no. If you have to take responsibility for the New Year’s table and live quite simply, will it be different from sister A who is the chief bride and loves to decorate and decorate the house on Tet holiday or maybe it will be different from sister B who is still single and funny? term.

However, I know that more or less everyone feels a little “overburdened” when thinking about their own and family’s spending in these days near Tet. If that is the feeling that is present in you, you can refer to the things I think are useful in balancing financial spending during the Tet holiday below,” Phuong Thanh shared.

More or less everyone feels a bit “overburdened” when thinking about their own and family’s spending in the days near Tet. Illustration.

1. First you need to determine the big expenses before, during and after Tet

Listing the major expenses during Tet will help you avoid missing any important expenses during the Lunar New Year.

As mentioned, each person has a different situation, but in general, the usual Tet expenses will include the following major expenses:

– Before and during Tet:

+ Spending Tet gifts (agency, family, partners, teachers, maids, …)

+ Decorate and clean the house (diggers, decorations, …)

+ Tet offerings, eating and drinking on New Year’s Day (food, confectionery, fruit, …)

+ Clothes (clothes for New Year’s Eve, New Year’s wear, spring travel clothes, …)

+ Traveling to play Tet, spring travel (airplane, train, Tet spending money, …)

+ And lucky money (happy age for whom, how much money, …).

– After Tet: Daily living expenses, other arising money, if any.

A full list of major expenses during Tet will help you plan spending for all the items you need. Thereby helping to balance spending and avoid generating unwanted extra money.

The expert on how to adjust the cost of Tet hop ly-Hinh-2

Identify major expenses before, during and after Tet. Illustration.

2. Some tips to help you spend Tet properly

Once you have a relatively clear picture of the following Tet spending items, you can refer to the following tips to have a happy Tet and not be “out of pocket”!

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– Tet spending plan should be tracked in a separate file, independent of daily spending. You should have a separate budget just for Tet, to avoid spending Tet “overstretching” affecting other financial goals.

– If possible, spend a part of Tet bonus for savings instead of thinking Tet is an opportunity to spend money. Of course, you can be more “indebted” during Tet, but absolutely avoid “debt” after Tet just for spending Tet.

– You should plan to spend Tet early (now is the right time).

– Arrange the order of scientific shopping. You should not shop too early or too late. Some items that do not have an expiration date (such as clothes) or have a long shelf life (such as candy, tea) can be purchased in advance for more time and choice. Fresh foods need to have a plan to order in advance (order shop X, shop Y, … and save it in a file to remember). Do not wait too close to Tet to buy because near Tet, prices will usually increase, shopping will be very crowded, but there are not many options left.

Experts in the field of financial management Tet hop ly-Hinh-3

You should plan to spend Tet early. Illustration.

– About the problem Tet gifts You can consider giving gifts to suit your finances and the recipients of the gift. For example, grandparents who are old enough to eat confectionery are not necessarily buying Tet gift baskets but choosing a more practical gift.

“Every woman has different economic conditions, shopping habits, etc., but we should all start to establish good habits, build and fulfill our own financial goals. During this Tet holiday, as long as you plan and follow it correctly, spending is reasonable, thrifty, and still comfortable. roof is doable”, financial expert Phuong Thanh concluded.

“If a female student is abused today, it’s not because she doesn’t know how to protect herself, but because someone wants to hurt her.”

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