Financial deficit requiring enhanced credit authorization by Unimedizin

– Financial deficit requiring enhanced credit authorization by Unimedizin

With a financial loss of over 100 million euros last year, the University Medical Center Mainz has requested an extension of their credit line. The request aims to increase the limit by 150 million euros, bringing it to a total of 900 million euros. This information was disclosed in a letter sent by the Ministry of Science and Health to the state parliament.

The current credit line was almost exhausted on August 15, amounting to approximately 738 million euros. This credit line was established to support the University Medical Center, which has operated at a loss for years. However, the expansion still awaits approval from the Budget and Finance Committee of the regional parliament.

Last year’s deficit of around €113.6 million (down from €65.1 million in 2022) is attributable to several factors, including revenue shortfalls from hospital operations – a common problem among hospitals. The ministry’s letter also cites higher interest rates on new loans and the necessary down payment for investments in the extensive renovation and construction of new facilities as additional financial burdens.

By the end of the year, the board of the University Medical Center will have to come up with a plan to eliminate this deficit over a five-year period. This task was recently assigned to them by the supervisory board, chaired by the Minister of Health and Science Clemens Hoch of the SPD party.

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