Finances in the red, young people on the way out and angry supporters, Vandenhaute under pressure in Anderlecht

To this was added the intention to separate from Jean Kindermans, the director of the training center. “The straw that broke the camel’s back. The point of no return“, according to the Fanboard groups, the BCS and the animation groups.

Trust is totally broken“with regard to Vandenhaute, president since May 2020, write the supporters. “A succession of decisions misunderstood at best – destructive at worst – coupled with a crying lack of legitimacy and charisma push us today to have to act for the survival of our club. Because yes, that’s what we’re talking regarding.

Data is law for you“, add the supporters. “The numbers don’t lie: your record is insufficient and nothing lets us see better days when we are closer to relegation than playoffs 2. To other members of management, take this as the final warning“, they warn in conclusion. “No one is safe and we won’t let you continue to destroy our club. No one is bigger than the institution“.

In this heavy atmosphere, some young people are preparing to take the tangent. Perhaps the most revealing case is that of Konstantinos Karetsas. At just 15 years old, he will soon be able to sign his first professional contract, but the one who is considered one of Neerpede’s greatest talents should do so at… Genk. Lucas Stassin11 goals with the RSCA Futures, would study an offer from Lille.

Clouds are gathering over Lotto Park. The first rays of sunshine will have to come from the field as a delicate trip is announced next weekend in Bruges.



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