Finance, a new target in the Chinese anti-corruption fight

With our correspondent in Beijing, Stephane Lagarde

A banker who disappears and the whole financial sector trembles. The sudden fainting of Bao Fan, the founder of the investment bank China Renaissance since Thursday February 16, was obviously only a warning. In a statement released Thursday, the party’s Central Commission for Discipline Control (CCCD) promises to crack down. The institution undertakes to punish severely ” THE ” corrupted elements » in banks, public companies or food purchasing centres.

« We must resolutely investigate and fight corruption where political and economic issues intertwine, prevent leaders from becoming spokespersons or agents of lobby groups or powerful groups, and resolutely prevent business collusion “, indicates the text quoted by Party executives in banks and state-owned companies are now at the heart of the fight once morest corruption initiated by the Chinese president when he came to power.

Like the inquisition for Catholics in the past, the very powerful central discipline control commission has extra-judicial powers. At the end of January, following its second plenary session, the CCCD had to submit a report to the Head of State explaining the strategies it intended to adopt in the face of these new targets of finance and real estate.

► To listen also: Frequency Asia – Money, power, corruption in China, the confessions of Desmond Shum: “In their eyes, I am a traitor”

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